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Google Docs seems to have developed a case of the Mondays. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and dive into these hilarious tweets about Google Docs being down. 

Google Docs is down: Laugh off the inconvenience with these tweets

Google Docs seems to have developed a case of the Mondays this morning. The popular word processor shut down for a few minutes today as many, including us here at Film Daily, logged on before finally restarting as if nothing had happened. 

Naturally, the panic was held at bay thanks to Twitter, which had no technical issues and was able to go about its business creating hilarious memes about the situation. We were able to hack our way through and found some amazing reactions to the whole thing. 

Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and dive into these hilarious tweets about Google Docs being down. 

Toxicity is everywhere 

It’s not even noon and the Glee references have emerged. That’s when you know this is serious for some people. 

Not today! 

We think you might need to email your teacher about an extension . . . 

Without a trace

Thankfully, it didn’t take a hundred years and a nap in an iceberg to fix Google Docs being down.  

Heading out, bye

Wait, just give it a. . . and they’re already gone. . . 

Garbage time 

Yeah, it does kinda feel like one of those mornings. . . 

Give it a light tap 

Not that hard! 

Microsoft Word supremacy 

Is there going to be a war over word processors now like the one over gaming consoles? 

Sips tea 

That tea is cold, sis, Google Docs is back up now. 

Not convinced 

Call it a hunch, but you might not get that extension. . . 


Oof, that stinks, dude. Godspeed and good luck. 

Have any other fun tweets about Google Docs being down? Drop them below in the comments to help us stave off panic of another shutdown. 

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