Currently Crowdfunding: ‘On Our Doorstep’, ‘The Heart is an Organ’, ‘They Reach’
Title: Montana
Funding goal: $30,000
Slate for filming: Filming complete, funding to help carry it to festival release.
Logline: An unraveling, psychological drama about hope, redemption, and the different ways in which we process grief.
Why you should support it: A portion of funding will be provided to an American suicide charity, and there’s not enough mature stories that follow the on-going and ever-increasing mental health crisis affecting today’s society.
Key team members: Michael Schwartz
Title: They Reach
Funding goal: $10,000
Slate for filming: Still to come, funding pays for prop work and monster creation
Logline: An adventurous tale of horror, suspense, friendship, and finding out what it takes to defeat evil.
Why you should support it: There’s not enough Sam Raimi-inspired horror in the world. Let’s be honest, we could all use a boost of gore fest horror every now and then.
Key team members: Sylas Dall: writer / director; Bry Troyer: writer / producer; Jason Connelly: actor / executive producer; James Winters: director of photography
Title: Brand New Old Love DIY
Funding goal: $25,000
Slate for filming: Finished, releasing 13th February 2018, need funding for VOD distribution and advertising
Logline: A cynical look at modern love that cleverly injects reality into a classic rom-com Hollywood trope.
Why you should support it: The world needs more anti-rom coms, and Aya Cash is in it. That should be all info you need right there. What more reason do you need to support it?
Key team members: Cat Rhinehart: writer / director; Aya Cash: actor; Arturo Castro: actor; Jim Wareck: producer
Title: On Our Doorstep
Funding goal: £30,000
Slate for filming: Filming complete, costs go towards editing and distribution
Logline: When the Calais Jungle was ignored & condemned by authorities, ordinary people stepped in to fill the gap. This is their untold story.
Why you should support it: A heart-wrenching look at a crisis that has been appearing in our headlines for years, aiming to put human faces to the news we read.
Key team members: Thomas Laurance: director; Jerry Rothwell: executive producer; Jodie Taylor: producer; Safwon Suleyman: producer; Marilyn Thompson: executive producer
Title: The Heart is an Organ
Funding goal: $5,500
Slate for filming: Some b-roll pickups to come, otherwise costs will go to editing and distribution.
Logline: The beautiful story of a love triangle between a musical genius, a music lover, and the church organ that binds them to the community.
Why you should support it: It’s a sweet little story in a world where we all need sweet little stories.
Key team members: David S. White: director; Todd Voltz: executive producer; Lily Keber: consulting producer