‘Avengers: Endgame’ may – or may not – signal the end of an era
It’s all been leading to this. The big one. The fourth and potentially final film starring Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man, Chris Evans’s Captain America, and the rest of the superpowered team battles intergalactic threats with the potential to tear reality apart.
Thanos has seemingly already won, but with the help of Ant-Man, Captain Marvel, and a couple of Guardians of the Galaxy, the OG team might have some semblance of hope to reverse universe-wide devastation.
Whether or not this really will be the last Avengers film starring the complete original roster is still yet to be seen, but now the franchise has eleven years under its belt, you can safely bet on some gruesome deaths and tragic departures.
The Marvel universe will never look the same after 2019, as Endgame and the Disney-Fox merger threatens to completely change the landscape of characters the Hollywood giant can bend to their will. Before we picture the potentially grotesque reality of five or six of these things a year, sit back and keep enjoying the ride while you still can.