Jungkook and Lisa? Could we see a romantic BTS and Blackpink collab?
Blackpink, the all-girl K-pop sensation, and BTS, the successful K-pop boy band, have become internationally famous, earning them a strong fanbase. Fans of these two bands have been waiting to see a collaboration between them, but can the fans’ fantasies be fulfilled?
Not only are fans waiting for a song featuring Blackpink & BTS, but they’re also waiting for love to ignite between the members of the two bands. In particular, everyone’s anticipating a romance between Jungkook & Lisa.
Fans have many questions for these two K-pop bands. Are we ever going to see a collaboration between Blackpink & BTS? Is there something going on between Lisa & Jungkook? Here’s what you should know.
Jungkook & Lisa?
Ever since we heard of Blackpink & BTS, everyone has been wondering if something could happen between the members of these bands. Rumors about a secret romance have been going around for a long time now.
One of the couples supported the most by fans everywhere is Jungkook & Lisa. They have been spotted together a few times, making most fans wonder if there could be a secret romance going on between the two young singers.
We can totally see why the world wants them to get together; unfortunately, it’s not going to happen any time soon. To do so, first we would need YG Entertainment, Blackpink’s label, to relax their policies a lot.
YG Entertainment has a “dating ban” for Blackpink’s members (and other bands as well). This means Lisa wouldn’t be able to date Jungkook unless she received permission from the former CEO, Yang Hyun-Suk.
With such strict policies, it doesn’t look like we’re going to see Jungkook & Lisa dating. Still, we can’t blame the world for wishing this dream couple was real.
Blackpink & BTS
Even if we don’t get to see Jungkook & Lisa together, we could still hope for a collaboration between these two bands, right? While there aren’t any policies forbidding Blackpink & BTS from releasing a song together, we may not get to experience such a magnificent situation in the near future.
Every K-pop band label works hard to maintain its stars’ images. While we’re constantly hearing good news about Blackpink & BTS, a collaboration isn’t exactly the best possible move for YG Entertainment.
If we got a hit from Blackpink & BTS, fans would go crazy and more rumors could start to spread. After all, it only took some photographs for everyone to start theorizing about Jungkook & Lisa’s secret love. If we saw the two bands collaborate, there wouldn’t be a way to stop the fans from shipping everyone!
The bands would obviously release a video, so if Jungkook & Lisa had a scene together, the frame would definitely become viral. This would put more pressure on both YG Entertainment and the two bands.
On the other hand, if we don’t get to see the two of them together, fans won’t stop tweeting about how unfair it is. With the amazing social media power of their fanbase, the labels & the bands won’t see the end of Twitter threads condemning their decision.
A collaboration like this would be hard for the world to handle. So, at least for now, we’re not going to get the Blackpink & BTS song of our dreams.
Will we ever get what we want?
If you’re a Blackpink or a BTS fan, it might feel like your prayers are not being heard. While it does sound pretty impossible at the moment, we might get to see Blackpink & BTS some time in the future. Even if we don’t, no one can really stop us from shipping Jungkook & Lisa, right?
Um gnomio
Parem com isso nem o jk e nem a lisa são bonecos de shipp,ñ estou falando nada a respeito pode shippar a vontade,ñ shippo liskook mas estou feliz,lembrem-se q os k-idols citados neste artigo ñ vão viver de opinião de armys nem blinks ,se for real e vou apoiar se ñ for problema o universo e Deus ñ quer os dois juntos então ñ forçe ou obrigue shipps e outra ñ sai por ai dizendo mentiras pq a foto é photoshop obrigada💜
October 7, 2020Jsiewhe
Don’t ship idols, Jungkook himself has said that shipping makes him uncomfortable. Even if they were dating it wouldn’t be anyone’s business but their own. This is why kpop groups rarely collab because of people who assume that because they looked at each other they’re dating.
October 7, 2020imani
exactlyyy, like chill out lmaoo
October 8, 2020Dilpreet
Yeah we shouldn’t ship them some fans are comfortable and so are not including the idols
October 9, 2020Some fans say they should be do a collaboration and some are saying if they do a collaboration the members of the both groups will be together and the fans are not comfortable with that
Subhashree Tanty
October 8, 2020Kim He-Sook
if we are honest nobody knows what happens behind the scenes, many fans say that Jk and Lisa do not know each other but in reality they do Jk has shown many times that he likes to sing Lisa’s parts, Jk meets GOT7’s BamBam and BamBam is Lisa’s friend and recently Bang Chan from Stray Kids He said he was close to Lisa because of BamBam and he is one of the 97 lines in the group that Jk is also in so I think they are friends and if they know each other maybe not in a relationship
October 8, 2020Camesha Campble
To be real i am not a shipper for lizkook but i dont like when they being ship but who cares they know each other and they can talk to each other secertly but we would know that by know if they did and if bts and blacpink would collab the fandoms would not allow it soo yea …. and am a army my self too so yep bts can collab with any other artist❤❤❤😊 but not bp for me …🙄
October 8, 2020Vie
Can I know why I’m also an army but I don’t see anything wrong with bts and blackpink collab because it’s there own wish and option not ours if they collab with blackpink I will support because what fan truly have love is there music , humbleness and kindness not who they collab,there personal life or there looks alone well we should care a bit about who the collab because some might just use them for fame other than that I can’t agree why you won’t like the collab sorry if my reply is too long or hurt someone feeling if it did I’m sorry I didn’t mean to
October 10, 2020V_29
I prefer taekook more than Liskook.
October 8, 2020timtim
I agree
October 9, 2020Serra Yans
I appreciate you👨✈️👩✈️
October 9, 2020Anonymous
Dude listen being an Armlink I too want a Collab between the groups but what you are doing is shipping them which is really bad fir the idols image. And if people like you continue doing this then the collaboration will not be possible as no-one like others to interfere with their own personal life so even if they like each other that doesn’t mean they gave you the right you ship them without even confirming whether it’s really true or not.
October 9, 2020💜💜
This whole thing of BTS and BLACKPINK being collaborated is all just a no. Like come on do you really think that would happen being that YG and Bighit are at high competition? And being that their fan base would be at neck and neck..The whole thing would be TOXIC. Same thing for jungkook and lisa..I’m not a shipper never have been and never will be. Lisa has said she wants to date older guys and jungkook is atleast 6months younger than Lisa,I also cant even see them being a couple..it doesn’t look right and it just looks off.. I just don’t appreciate these dilulu shippers about both the idols. I can’t possibly be the annoyed one as well. Anyways, please don’t ship. Your not a real fan if you do
October 10, 2020Normanbgwkfb
As a blink,i think its impossible to have bts and bp collab
October 7, 2020Lisa and Jungkook? I dont think armys(some) and blinks(some) will support this two,if they’re really dating, i think it will cause more fanwars between ARMYBLINKS.they(BP AND BTS) are really awkward when they will interact because of this delusional fans i think all members of bp and bts are just friends they’re just afraid to show it
Yes u r right Blink
October 9, 2020Serra Yans
Just leave them to live their private life as they wish.
October 9, 2020And I dont think many armys would be happy by this. A collab would be good only as artists. As a real life couple its their choice to whom they choose. As an army I never want to disturb their privacy. I like to pronounce Jungkook and Lisa other than Liskook.😑😑😑
Eu shippo muito ai espero que eles afirmam que ai eu vou respeitar muito mais eles mais do que eu respeito agora porque assim eles tem algumas semelhanças primeiro que eles são os mais novos do grupo eles também são igual dois bonequinhos e no palco eles ficam muito mais ousados eles ficam muito mais sexys nossa mal posso esperar pra eles afirmarem
October 7, 2020Riddhi Patel
I wish they collab but they can make a song just to give a message to stop shipping them or something like that as BTS’s and BLACKPINK’s every song gives a message
October 7, 2020Gabriely
Não shippo liskook apesar de gostar das duas bandas
October 8, 2020Eu shippo os meninos do BTS e as meninas do Blackpink entre si mas claro é só minha opinião
Eu não acho que tenha algo escondido entre liskook pois eles não são próximos então isso quer dizer que não existe nada, e sim agente só vai ter certeza deles se um dia eles se assumirem
I don’t really hate Lizkook I meant as an ARMLINK if they have such kind of relationship it ok For me. But The fans who are saying Jungkook don’t even know Lisa is totally wrong I have seen videos of Jungkook singing the Rap part of Lisa in PWF when BlackPink was performing it on stage . So I literally want a BangPink collaboration in the Future Millions of Blinks and Millions of ARMYs will view it and It will totally be a Hit💜💜💜
October 7, 2020Hazel
first of all i’m not saying it’s impossible for it to happen, it’s just not likely for it to happen. for one they are in totally different companies with different rules. secondly they really only get exposed to each other during award shows. i think we should just leave their dating lives alone, there’s a reason why we don’t ever hear anything about them dating, we should let them have their privacy if they want it.
October 7, 2020Tt
No, and never
October 7, 2020Mary
October 9, 2020Jikook
Acho que eles não combinam pq o Jungkook disse que gostaria de namorar garotas mas baixa que ele é a lisa eé muito alta que o Jungkook e também ele é muito romântico e a lisa e muito agressiva então acho que nao apoio…… fujindo do assunto apoio o namjoon com a hwasa shipp pq eles não são o padrão da Coreia mas eles dão na cara dos recalcados LoL
October 7, 2020Juju
shipp jungkook and lisa but i think if they have something they would never play in the media, i’m laughing so hard at these people saying that they don’t even know each other because we agree right this is not possible kkkk 🤭
October 7, 2020DONTSHIPBPBTS
you shouldn’t ship Lisa and jungook it is very uncomfortable with people saying that and if they ever meet they shoudnt me bothers by comments like ships and so cute are 7 boys are fine but people like you make Blackpink and bts uncomfortable by talking this way please do not ship them
October 8, 2020Juju
Guys stop saying that they don’t know each other and they never spoke because you don’t know so draw less conclusions, and I just wanted to say that it’s not you who decide whether they agree or not kkkk😉🤭🤦🏻♀️🤣
October 7, 2020Juju
Shippo JUNGKOOK AND LISA king and queen 🧡
October 7, 2020🦋AngRe
Jungkook has said that the shipping in between idols makes him uncomfortable so it’s disrespectful to still ship him when we should leave him alone.
October 8, 2020Ruby
Yall giving both junkook and lisa hard time whith this ship’s ok , so what if they ever made an eye contact or smile to each other , listen sis or bro Jungkook made eye contact with rosè , and jisoo will you ship them NO , Jungkook smiled at rosè will you ship them no na , Jungkook reacted to roses voice and smirk WILL YOU SHIP THEM
October 10, 2020Yall are toxic give them space ok just cherish them and support then no need to shipp them ……….
I really don’t like shipping bts with blackpink.. Some people are shipping them especially to lisa and jungkook and I really hate it… I’m an armyblink that’s why I hate it, and I’m just hoping that bts and blackpink will collab.
October 7, 2020Avirishu
If jungkook really likes Lisa it’s up to him but we fans can’t go on deciding whom he should date with…we are fans and should know our limits It would feel so awkward for both the artists if there is no such thing between them..We should stop shipping and let our idols have some privacy to continue their personal lives.
October 7, 2020Sooya
October 8, 2020Soundous
Stop doing that they are not even friends and jungkook said that his girl still like iu
October 8, 2020Min Yoongi
This article screams DELULU
October 7, 2020Armys respect BTS’ decision a lot but I don’t think BTS like the people who are problematic to Armys🙂
I ‘m armblink!! I want collab BTS with Blackpink!!! And i love Lisa and Jungkook!!!! Liskook forever!!!
October 7, 2020Adity Tandy
Yea..its true that v love both the bands…so it doesn’t mean that they have to be shipped too…N by the way u know bighit…they have their own rules followed…N its not good to ship lisa and jk…Pair is not good….
October 7, 2020💜💜
THANK YOU…like I literally don’t even see them being together cause it doesn’t look right at all..
October 10, 2020kimchi
I just wonder, Lisa and Jungkook have common friends like Bambam from Got7, havent they been introduced to each other. Like what if Jungkook had developed interest in Lisa and maybe vice versa and they approached each other through their common friend and then got together in a relationship. Isnt that a possibility? I just have this question in my mind. I dont ship them though.
October 7, 2020I have seen few videos on youtube that hype up about a simple eye contact, i know those are lame, but some of them really seem like they were crushing on each other. So thats why this question came into my mind. Its just a question.
I want BTS to lead a happy life….we Army’s always supports them….And I won’t at all agree with your Question that BTS and Blackpink Collab eachother…..Well that’s my opinion…… Army’s and Blinks pls don’t ship BTS And Blackpink….. because we don’t know their future….And our BANGTAN boys really feel very uncomfortable 😢……
October 8, 2020both the group’s feel very uncomfortable….And when coming to Lisa and Jungkook….in my opinion they don’t suit eachother…..Well as an Army I always support BTS😘As their wish they’ll move on to lead a happy 😊
I agree… Jungkook ideal type is IU.. So lisa is far from that type… And please stop making this type of news.. Makes no sense just some people imaginative theory.. If they colllab that’s good but stop this ship thing..
October 9, 2020💜💜
Thank you..I honestly can’t see them being together. I’m not toxic and I wish the best for BTS but shipping jungkook and Lisa is honestly a bad ship because they don’t look right together it’s just something off about the whole situation.
October 10, 2020Anynomus
How about 😃 A NO😬 come on real true armys shouldn’t support this,,our boys would become sad,, there is no thing between kookie and lisa,,it is just RUMORS
October 8, 2020Serra Yans
I appreciate you
October 9, 2020💜💜
THANK YOU! Like all of them hyping them up about eye contact is so weird to me…cause at this point it’s really getting annoying. It could be a single video about one of them and other people are shipping them.
October 10, 2020Kelsbitj
Wow you really thought you did sumn
October 8, 2020Steven Spielberg
So nice
October 8, 2020Sania
Plz I don’t think sooo that any
October 8, 2020army want that and second things is don’t ship them cause if there is any thing like that they will reveal soon so why your writing that jungkook and Lisa plz this may cause there personal life. And this hurt there fans tooo especially if there is bais plz. And I know this won’t be happening cause they belong to different companies tooo.
Thank you!
October 10, 2020hanna
Well i was a shipper but now i fell inlove with jungkook more so no i dont need them to collab or date anytime soon and besides bts said they are going to date an army and they dont like people shipping them to other girl groups.
October 8, 2020ami
bts saying stuff like they’re gonna date army is for fanservice, they’re more likely to date a famous person or someone close to them. that aside I’d suggest you get out of your imagination if you think you have a chance at dating them bc the odds of that happening is like 1 in a million, it just ain’t gonna happen, don’t be delusional pls 💜
October 8, 2020Catty
No, that will never be possible even it is dating or collaboration. Both YG and Bighit are competetive and this cannot be possible. If they collab they rumours will be out that they are dating or something like shipping stuffs. And I want to say you that BTS don’t like shipping. If you are dreaming of Jungkook and Lisa dating then forget it. Cuz once lisa told that she like boys that are older than her. And jungkook is now busy on his carrer and hasn’t been dating someone else. You now many fans are get jealous when they see their idols dating and sometimes they leave stanning their groups. So that is a huge loss to both groups and companies. So BTS cannot date right now. And collaboration and dating of BTS and BLACKPINK will never happen and it is ot possible.
October 8, 2020💜💜
October 10, 2020Anonymooose
They’re a high competition although a Collab isn’t bad but they don’t even know eachother. It will only encourage delulu shippers.
October 8, 2020@Olsen
😪 collab between them it would be great af 🤘it will be a hit ⚡hope to see a collab soon
October 8, 2020Leeshanoor
Sweet dreams to shippers its never gonna happen so just dream
October 8, 2020Riya
October 8, 2020💜💜
October 10, 2020Nia
Yes u r right
October 8, 2020Suhani pradhan
Yesssssss I really want bts and blackpink to collab mostly Jungkook and Lisa and I definitely agree 😘😘😍😍😍😍🙆🙆🙆💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
October 8, 2020ARMY
Geez, the people’s mindset though dreaming for people to date these too. No way, what is not unfair?? Them not dating. That’s ridiculous. It’s probably written by delulu shippers as well. I don’t even like Lisa and her fanbase nowadays. Just because they are youngest of the two popular group, they should be together like whaaaat?? I don’t like liskook and these shippers. Wonder if the fans will say it’s unfair if jungkook marries his loved one who is not Lisa nor rosé nor kpop idol. Who are you guys to say that they should date?? The fanbase will go crazy?? Let them be Afterall they are just delulu shippers and immature people 🤦🤦
October 9, 2020Please Respect KPOP Idols
Please stop. You can keep all of these comments in your head. Do not publicly post things like this and respect your idols. BTS themselves have clearly stated that they hate being shipped with other people.
October 9, 2020Someone Pretty
October 8, 2020Appu💜💜
This is not true why the people shipping them both i dont know they have good image in public why the fans want to spoil their name jungkook has told that he doesn’t like shipping with anyone they are just fully focusing on their careers and singing songs for making all armies happy pls dont ship them
October 8, 2020Kaih
Please stop this. Delusional people are everywhere. Leave Jungkook alone he’s been suffering a lot of times already let him breath, and pls don’t jump into conclusions that they are dating NO. Can’t we just wait till the artist will reveal it?
October 8, 2020Jyoti
I agree.. Please stop this
October 9, 2020Husushi
They look good but not together-
October 8, 2020And nobody wants them to Collab so what are you saying? Pfft-
For me is a disagree
اعتقد انه من الغباء ان يقول احد اتمنى ان اراهما معا بالنسبة لي انت لست معجب
October 8, 2020حقيقي يجب على الأقل ان تغار😂😂😒😒
lol. We all know that both groups are famous and successful but it doesn’t mean that they can collaborate. No one asked for them to collab too so where in heavens you found that people will like them together. I’m a fan of BTS and I’m certain that won’t be needing a collab with Blackpink. It’s impossible with the tension between the entertainments. Aside of all of these, I would respect Big Hit’s decision. It’s a disagree for me.
October 8, 2020Riya
I agree with you………
October 8, 2020💜💜
October 10, 2020erimin
Absolutely not❤️
October 8, 2020Army
Okay.. im trying not to be rude and all.. but this is a never happening thing.. if you’re an army or a blink, you know how much the idols try to avoid each other.. it’s vulnerable, and also Jungkook doesn’t like to be shipped with any idols or his own members, he feels uncomfortable.. and that’s the last thing we as fans want, right?
October 8, 2020Xoxo
As being an armpink I will not go against any of the personal matters of the idols
October 8, 2020Come on its their life
Ps I think rn it’s too early for lizkook to finally date as I still want to enjoy the small cute moments between them
Still I will appreciate a collab and it would be a definite viralllllll
Cute moments 🤣🤣 where is the cute moments you say?? I was literally searching for that for past 3 years. Come out of your imagination it’s not healthy for you to stay in there
October 9, 2020Melissa
Please don’t ship them together because they don’t like it and i disagree and won’t and never will happen! :)
October 8, 2020💜💜
October 10, 2020Liana
I would love to see them release a song together and since JK and Lisa both are good at dancing and singing it would be a bop🔥 whatever happens I would support them.
October 8, 2020Riya
No, I don’t think ARMY’S or BLINKS would like them to be shipped(I’m not offending). This may just flood Twitter and other social media sites about fanwars. Just because they are famous doesn’t mean they need to collab. I’ m an ARMY and it’s a no from me. I don’t ship any of BTS members with any other idol. Also, Jungkook never ever mentioned Lisa, neither Lisa had any interaction with Jungkook. Also, instead of shipping idols we should appreciate their hardwork. Jungkook once himself said that shipping makes him uncomfortable. We should support idols I’d they date, cause they are to decide whom they date, also we shouldn’t ship them based on just some unintentional interactions. It will only make them uncomfortable.
October 8, 2020💜💜
October 10, 2020Someone in the world
I’m blink and army. I love them but I never think ship idols is good. just because of the little things, they can think he and she are in love ?! I don’t like that, if they truly loved each other, they would have let everyone know. So please don’t do that, some people like it but others find it very annoyin and I am the ones who find it annoying.
October 8, 2020Riya
It should be a NO from ARMY’S. Come on , our 7 boys would be sad if just ship them based on some videos in YouTube showing lame interactions (Iike an eye contact).
October 8, 2020Bharathi
Please stop asking for a BTS and BP Collab.
October 8, 2020Army and BTS hate such Collab, we don’t want to have such collab , BTS don’t have to Collab , Jk don’t have to date lias, Army hate it,we don’t want our oppa to date Bp, please stop telling about these stupid things about BTS
I don’t like shipping them especially Lisa and jungkook plzzz don’t .Let them live there own life don’t make them uncomfortable 🤦
October 8, 2020Sarah
Tbh as an ARMY I don’t want them to date, really ² don’t want them to date it’s not like I don’t like bp , it’s jst my honest opinion. And about song, it would be nice if they Collab and okay if they don’t. But please don’t ship them. It’s awkward , I myself ship the members with members so I don’t really want them to be shipped . Let them breath. I respect bp, but please .. don’t..
October 8, 2020Excel
some of the ridiculousness of people commenting on hate with news content like this.
come on this 2020 people are free to discuss anything while it’s popular, and it is possible that BTS and BLACKPINK are at their peak and that’s good.
As for the members’ love stories like LISA AND JUNGKOOK, it’s up to them.
you fans just smile and judge their achievements. not insulting any of them. because they are only human.
the point is I like BTS AND BLACKPINK
October 8, 2020Xoxi
from here we can get involved that BTS fans who really can’t appreciate their idol.
hello, who are you, don’t ever try to manage people’s lives, and you have to think to be your own. because male idols are very vulnerable to the craziness of female fans. different from female idols whose fans always see reality.
if they are real please keep quiet.
If they are not real then don’t insult any of them. with you saying they really don’t match up, and so on.
October 8, 2020JIKOOKFOREVER
Nada contra quem shippa liskook mais eu tenho certeza que ali não vai rola nada !! Eu não tô falando isso só porque eu shippo Jikook.Mais eu tenho muito certeza que ali é só amizade,e o pessoal que também fica colocando prestesto aonde não tem….mas ali não vai rola,eu eu tenho certeza!!que jikook é real e eles vão ser assumir um dia,até porque eles têm uma música juntos quando foi para Tóquio(Japão)Juntos,até porquê eu rezo MUITO que liskook não é real.E SIM JIKOOK É REAL🥰🥰🥰🥰
October 8, 2020