Prince Philip dies at age 99: Peek at the darkest memes from Twitter
Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh, passed away on April 9th, 2021 at Windsor Castle at an incredibly ripe old age. The ninety-nine-year-old spouse to Queen Elizabeth II was a beloved figure to those who followed the royal family.
He was known for his sense of humor, which is probably why Twitter processed the death the only way it knew how: through creating memes. Prince Phillip would have probably wanted it this way, but who knows? Maybe he’d tell us to act our age!
However, some of these memes took it a bit too far (but are honestly still hilarious). We took a royal coach through the threads and found some of the darkest Prince Phillip memes. Get ready to retweet and take a look at our list of Prince Phillip memes that will probably age like moldy cheese.
Piers Morgan trying to make this about Meghan Markle pic.twitter.com/9c40ppJlbX
— Ed Dan 🌹 (@decedant99) April 9, 2021
Conspiracy theories
Yeah, he’s probably going to be grasping at straws. If you have to use red yarn to show us your idea, you’re already in trouble.
queen elizabeth after the royals find out she’s been liking the prince phillip memes from her priv acc pic.twitter.com/wsE3g5RlTP
— isabel (@isabelmonicaj) April 9, 2021
Breaking my silence
That’s one way to process grief.
The Daily Mail getting ready to blame Meghan for Prince Phillip’s death pic.twitter.com/JfwTJMWvTu
— Saint Hoax (@SaintHoax) April 9, 2021
Blame game
There may be some holes in your logic, namely that she’s across an ocean. . .
— Full of Frap (Industrious Light Stick) (@FullofFrap) April 9, 2021
Dating game
We’d definitely swipe right, what about you?
Damn, I could'vee sworn that Andrew had dibs on being the root cause. pic.twitter.com/XIIc3Cr5ai
— G. Mercedes McMahon (@GlendaClarke2) April 9, 2021
Not again, Andrew!
He’s always up to something, isn’t he?
we know who actually did it pic.twitter.com/RSOaGpwT8N
— check my header (@beymxtion) April 9, 2021
Shotgun Queen
In the words of Ron Burgundy, that escalated quickly. . .
Prince Phillip only been dead for a minute and the memes are coming through real fast🏃🏽♀️😭 pic.twitter.com/E5nLCCOhCv
— AMINA💥 (@amxnayousaf) April 9, 2021
Speed is key!
Never underestimate the power of Twitter.
im going to h3ll for laughing at these prince phillip memes i cant wait to meet lil nas pic.twitter.com/vOcxgvYuJX
— Victoria 🎈⚡️superbloom whore (@VictoriaPalms_) April 9, 2021
Down we go
. . . We think we might be meeting you there. . .
not trying to be that person but prince phillip already looked dead. y’all really gonna tell me he didn’t pic.twitter.com/pA0INhsUiP
— anne | struggle era (@SUNFLOWERANNE3) April 10, 2021
Don’t be that guy
Now that is just rude.
wtf prince phillip did for us ? https://t.co/jOApSCz851
— zuko (@imjustbrando) April 10, 2021
Worth to the world
You might have forgotten he was the ruler of a country, and we wouldn’t short change him like that.
Have any other funny dark memes about Prince Phillip’s death at age ninety-nine? Drop them below in the comments so we can awkwardly laugh together.