The Rise of Programmatic TV Advertising: Automating Your Advertising Campaigns
Technology has advanced to the point that it is now possible to automate an advertising campaign, minimizing human labor and saving money. Programmatic TV advertising has spearheaded a new generation of business-to-consumer outreach, maximizing the efficiency of such metaphorical bridge-building.
If your business has not yet embraced programmatic TV advertising, now is the time.
The New Era of TV Advertising has Begun
Technology has facilitated a shift from ads in newspapers and magazines to highly technical programmatic TV advertising characterized by automation. CTV, or connected TV, has emerged at the forefront of this new digital entertainment landscape.
What is CTV marketing? This term is exactly as it sounds in that it relies on the internet to stream ads on video content to in-home TVs. CTV ads are purchased programmatically, then displayed on streaming services. CTV ads are automated for precise consumer targeting, ultimately making them a superior option when juxtaposed against conventional TV.
Everything from geographic location to household demographics, viewing habits and more can be identified for carefully calculated and automated streaming advertising. This technology is a golden opportunity to connect with cable cord-cutters with tailored ads delivered through high-speed internet.
The Power of Automation
Programmatic TV advertising is best explained as ad purchases that rely upon complex data as well as automation to zero in on consumers with efficiency. This approach to advertising is fueled by software that provides access to information on audiences for precise targeting. It is this data that helps determine the ads that are meaningful to consumers.
Let’s take a look at a quick example of how programmatic TV advertising works. Consider a company that sells sports equipment. Such a business traditionally covets male customers between the ages of 15 and 30 who play or express an interest in sports. Moreover, a sports equipment business is also likely to target heads of households who purchase youth sports equipment. Such precision in targeting would not be possible when using conventional demographic measurements.
Software gathers, analyzes, and calculates information about target audiences and empowers marketers to automate TV advertising. Programmatic advertising is a granular approach, providing businesses with the ability to present advertising to individuals who have a genuine need or desire for that information. Moreover, the automated process can be scaled and repeated with ease.
Embrace this data-focused approach to purchasing and delivering advertisements through video and you’ll access viewers through:
- Set-top boxes
- Linear TV, connected TV (CTV)
- Web-connected mobile devices
Programmatic Advertising Automation
The most important component of automated programmatic advertising is delivering video ads directly to viewing audiences with highly specific targeting. This approach puts the bullseye squarely on desired customers. It is now possible to automate the delivery of ads with programmatic technology to present a business’s ads to narrow subsets in accordance with:
- Gender
- Age
- Personal interests
- Buying history
- Level of income
Automated programmatic advertising technology also facilitates the optimal management of planning, purchasing, and measuring through consolidation. Each component of the automation process is centralized in one space, facilitating the presentation of highly relevant ads that boost audience engagement for movement through the sales funnel.
The automated process presents ads to thousands of platforms in unison. This strategy streamlines the implementation of the marketing campaign, providing businesses with relevant and effective ad placements in surprisingly little time. It takes mere milliseconds to purchase ad inventory in an automatic manner, ultimately saving time and money.
Will Automatic Advertising Campaigns Replace Traditional TV Commercials?
If you were capable of time-traveling a couple of decades into the future, you might find that programmatic TV advertising has largely supplanted traditional advertising.
Here’s the “why” of automatic programmatic TV advertising’s rapid ascension:
- Unparalleled scalability
- Ads that cannot be skipped
- Affordability in comparison to traditional TV ads
- Zeroing in on a target group of consumers for optimal efficiency
Add in the fact that programmatic TV advertising presents video ads before, during, and after the streaming content and there are all the more reasons for businesses to choose it over traditional and more expensive TV commercials. Industry terms for those temporal advertising positions are pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll, respectively.
In summary, the days of manually processing ad purchases are giving way to automation with irreverence for industry convention that proves mutually beneficial to businesses and consumers. Seize the opportunity to advertise with programmatic TV ads, be patient and you’ll notice a meaningful increase in website traffic and ensuing sales.