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Rare Carat’s Journey to Transparency: Evaluating Feedback and Ratings


Buying a diamond is no easy purchase, even in today’s markets. Picking a diamond isn’t just some purchase, it’s a whole journey, and with thousands of ads online and in the office, and so many different diamond retailers, all claiming to be the best, it can get quite confusing. Who’s to trust when all claim to be the best? It shouldn’t be this hard finding the right kind of information especially in today’s modern era.

This is exactly why this article was written. To help educate the novice buyer everything needs to be known. This article will go over Rare Carat’s journey from its business model, a quick look into its history, how Rare Carat compares to other retailers, how it handles customer feedback and ratings, and how Rare Carat addresses the many ethical and environmental issues surrounding diamonds.

Rare Carat’s Brief History

It was 2015, and Ajay Anand wanted to propose to his girlfriend (who is now his wife) in the Spring of that year. When Ajay Anand first wanted to propose, Ajay knew nothing about diamonds. It was incredibly overwhelming for Ajay but Ajay wanted the purchase the biggest engagement ring for the best price. It took Ajay over 3 months to finally find the perfect one. This is what ultimately drove Ajay to create Rare Carat. Click this for more information.

Rare Carat’s business model is simple. Rare Carat wants to transform the whole buying process for the customer from overwhelming, to an easy-going process that is filled with every bit of information needed to make an informed decision. Rare Carat is the #1 diamond marketplace for unbiased and expert diamond advice that makes the whole buying process stress-free and positive. Refer to this for even more information.

Rare Carat believes that by providing the customer with the tools needed and expertise each customer that visits their platform will have the confidence they need to purchase the specific gemstone for them at an even greater value. Such as the time when a Rare Carat customer purchased a $2.5 million diamond through its platform. Kindly refer to  for more information.

Rare Carat’s Business Model

When started as a price aggregator in 2016 it helps customers compare all the different prices that each diamond seller offers for the very best they could get for their budget. Over time, the attitude of most buyers has switched to that of an ethical and sustainable one. Rare Carat introduced more quality features from the origin of the diamond, its quality, its reputation, and the services offered by sellers. Kindly refer to Rare Carat for even more information.

As the years passed, Rare Carat continued to bolster its reputation and develop into what is known today as America’s #1 leading diamond marketplace for unbiased and expert diamond advice. An online diamond platform that ensures control over the quality and selection of all diamonds and sellers. Thanks to the many technologies and data, there has never been a more transparent marketplace.

Rare Carat’s Rocky AI

Even before artificial intelligence was this popular. As early as 2017, using technology from IBM Watson, Rare Carat introduced the very first AI jeweler in the world. This advanced AI can comb through millions of data points, from cut, clarity, polish, depth, color, and so much more. This AI has disrupted an industry that wasn’t moving fast enough with the advancements in technology. For more information, please visit the Rare Carat Blog. All to better provide transparency and power to the novice diamond buyer. This advanced technology has helped thousands of customers not only find the very best diamond for their price range but significantly cut down the hours spent on researching and comparing all the different diamond options available. Rocky AI simplifies the whole process, from highlights of each diamond’s pros and cons. Ultimately providing objective and unbiased information to better make an informed decision.

Rare Carat’s Customer Feedback and Ratings

Without question, customer feedback and customer ratings are an important part of Rare Carat’s business. This is the very foundation on which Rare Carat is founded. To help better inform the novice diamond buyer, to grow their confidence, and to ensure that confident decisions are made. Through the use of feedback and ratings, Rare Carat not only improved its services and products but other online diamond retailers that can be found on their platform.

It is encouraged that customers leave honest feedback and ratings on the diamonds they have purchased, their experience with the retailer, and their overall platform experience. There are thousands of reviews on sites such as Trust Pilot, Google Reviews), and many more all help the customer avoid scams, and frauds, see the credibility of a retailer and much more.

Rare Carat Ethical and Sustainable Diamonds

There has been a growing trend amongst diamond buyers, the desire to purchase an ethical diamond that is ideally sustainably sourced. Throughout its long history, the diamond industry has had a dark secret that too few know. The phenomenon of “blood diamonds” was known only to those who were in the industry but thanks to a 2006 film called “Blood Diamond” refer to Customers around the world now know the reality of diamonds.

For decades, the diamond industry was shrouded in secrecy. Only to be revealed years later that because of diamonds. There have been numerous destruction of some permanent ecosystems, usage of thousands of fossil fuels, exploitation of local communities sometimes even slavery, and literal wars. This reality would become known as conflict diamonds. The last thing any buyer wants is to buy a diamond that was borne out of conflict. See for more information on blood diamonds.

Thus, the need for a sustainable and ethical diamond grew and grew until laboratory diamonds were introduced that took over the industry. What is a lab diamond? It is a real diamond that is created in a laboratory instead of deep beneath the earth. From HPHT to CVD, these very advanced lab methods perfectly mimic the pressures and temperatures that are required to produce a diamond at a fraction of the cost. For more information, refer to this GIA article at


Rare Carat throughout its history has sought to provide customers with value and transparency. From hundreds of articles on diamonds, customer feedback, customer ratings, various options in their online diamond platform, and even lab-grown diamonds all to grow the trust and confidence of each customer. Rare Carat wants to make the whole buying experience as easy and as enjoyable as possible.


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