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While other American locations also feature on the silver screen, there’s a growing list of film locations seen more and more in blockbuster movies. Read more
Los Angeles’s Abell Auction Company will feature an array of timeless Hollywood fashion and jewelry by iconic designers at its September 10th auction. Read more
As with all other aspects of high-quality YouTube videos, savvy YouTubers are meticulous when selecting the background music that fits best. Read more
Lesbians are often predators as seen in 'Pitch Perfect'. We were stoked to see Sebastián Lelio’s 'Disobedience' confront these stereotypes head-on. Read more
The drama focuses on the queer New York City scene and the city's decadence in stark juxtaposition to it. We’re absolutely living for Pose and here’s why. Read more
Actors and actresses who play superheroes have to work hard to get in shape. Discover how heartthrob Chris Hemsworth got in shape for the 'Thor' movies. Read more
We’re delighted the second season of 'Pose' will sashay in over at FX on June 11th. The second teaser for S2 just dropped and we’re just crazy about it. Read more
Tonight is the final 'Shadowhunters' episode. Here’s everything we know so far about the Malec wedding we’re all hoping for. Read more
We were hyped to talk with sneaker visionary Nadine Hallak about the customization trend and her 4KiX footwear and accessories collection. Read more
This monitor is set to revolutionize your gameplay – but you’re going to have to pay for it. Here are all the reasons why we love the BenQ Zowie XL2540. Read more
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