Did you get the coronavirus vaccine? Here’s what the CDC says you can do now
If you’re one of the millions who have received a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, congratulations! However, your job still isn’t over. All of those who are vaccinated must follow CDC guidelines in order to protect those who’ve not yet received their coronavirus vaccine. That being said, the CDC has given the green-light on several pre-pandemic activities for those who are vaccinated. Care to check them out?
There are now three different vaccines being administered in the U.S., all of which prove to be effective in minimizing symptoms pertaining to the novel coronavirus, including hospitalizations and even death. While there are certain tiers of criteria one must meet in order to get their coronavirus vaccine, it’s clear that, should you want to get the vaccine (and you should) that we’re all destined to be vaccinated hopefully by July.
However, for those lucky enough to have already received a coronavirus vaccine, the CDC offered some insight as to what activities can be done safely, as well as what activities shouldn’t be done. Remember, we’re all still living in a global pandemic, with the endgame of returning to normal at some point in the fourth quarter of this year . . . not now. Here’s some information that the CDC wants us to know.
What vaccines are available?
Currently, there are three vaccines that are being used to fight the spread of COVID-19, aiming to put a stop to the current global pandemic. The first vaccine was developed by Pfizer-BioNTech, first administered in the U.S. at the end of 2020. The second vaccine to fight COVID-19 was developed by Moderna, which was also first given to those defined as “high exposure risks” last December.
Both of these coronavirus vaccines are estimated to fight the coronavirus with an effectiveness rate of over 93%. However, both vaccines currently require two separate doses, with each needing several weeks in between to build the proper antibodies for protection against the deadly disease.
Last month, the world was given the incredible news that the FDA was currently reviewing a third coronavirus vaccine, this time developed by Johnson & Johnson. This vaccine, while not as efficient as Pfizer & Moderna, is said to have an effectiveness rate of over 85%, and requires only a single shot. The CDC finally gave the green-light to this third vaccine last week and is currently being implemented in multiple countries.
CDC’s eases the ropes
For those of us who are now fully vaccinated, the CDC has provided some new parameters as to what “normal” activities we may return to. Specifically, people who are fully vaccinated may return to eating indoors with other people who are fully vaccinated, without having to wear a face mask or social distance. However, remember that you must wait a two-week period after your final vaccine before it’s fully effective.
As well, those who have received both coronavirus vaccines, including the single Johnson & Johnson vaccine, may also gather unmasked with people from other households, even if they haven’t yet gotten the vaccine. This is, of course, providing that they’re not at serious risk of illness from the virus.
Also, fully vaccinated people may forego coronavirus testing & quarantining following known COVID-19 exposure.
CDC Director speaks
“We know that people want to get vaccinated so they can get back to doing the things they enjoy with the people they love,” says CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. “We believe these recommendations are an important first step in our efforts to resume everyday activities in our communities.”
While this should allow those vaccinated to live a normal life within a home setting, it’s still imperative to wear a mask and practice social distancing in a public setting, as only 14.6% of the U.S. have been fully vaccinated. The CDC’s stated goal is for 90% of Americans to be vaccinated.
The U.S. currently has a seven-day average of 2.2 million daily vaccinations, with the aspiration of having vaccines available for all U.S. citizens by May.