HomeArticles Posted by Callum Bradshaw (Page 11)

Author: Callum Bradshaw

Callum Bradshaw is passionate about literature, traveling, pop culture, and economics. His favorite time of year is when he visits his family back in California, escaping the Chicago winter for the holidays.


Artists who practice experimentation are always exciting to follow, as they push the boundaries of what is possible in their respective fields. One such artist is Sid Chou,

Photo Credits: Cathryn Farnsworth There's no single path to entering the acting industry, but for Ricardo Vargas, it all began with his childhood love for horror movies. While he

In the ever-evolving world of showbiz, the costume design industry has witnessed a sea of changes as it adapts to shifting trends and innovative styles. One such trailblazer

In the dynamic world of film, a rising star illuminates the landscape: Jonathan Zhao, the trailblazing Chinese-Canadian director of photography. Growing up in a traditional Chinese immigrant household,

In the world of film, style is king. Whether it's the glitz and glamour of red-carpet events, the polished look of a television host, or the sleek attire

In a world where film scores often follow tried-and-tested formulas, renowned film composer, George Bromley, stands out as a trailblazer. His unique approach to blending classical and electronic

There has been a lot of speculation among Harry Potter fans about who could possibly take on the role of the Boy Who Lived in a potential reboot

Dark Joseph Ravine, a social media star, CEO of Kindness for Success, and author of Watch Out! It’s Nolan suggests that all business owners give themselves a digital

One may think with a list of impressive credits, including critically acclaimed promotional campaigns for Disney, Hulu, ABC, Freeform, and Onyx projects, that Simran Porwal would be content