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The beloved Nintendo character is officially dead. Grab some tissues and check out the best Mario memes, mourning the lovable plumber who was gone too soon. 

RIP Mario: Mourn the gaming icon’s fake death with Twitter’s best memes

The Nintendo character Mario has graced our video game screens for decades now. From the classic Super Mario Bros to the latest version of Mario Kart on the Nintendo Switch, Mario has become an icon, the red wearing plumber worming his way into many of our hearts. 

Therefore, we’re sad to hear the beloved character has been officially declared dead today. Of course, Twitter decided to sanctify the day by doing what it does best: create memes. Mario would have wanted it this way. 

Grab some tissues as we go through some of the best Mario memes mourning the lovable plumber who was gone too soon. 

 Luigi rising 

Though Mario is gone, he has at least left a legacy behind. Let’s see if that legacy holds up, considering how many times Luigi has been dunked on over the years. . . 

 Too bad! 

Ouch dude, that’s brutal. 

It doesn’t exist 

So if March 31st doesn’t exist, that means Mario isn’t actually dead. That’s how it works . . . right? 


Someone call Spongebob to sing the F.U.N. song at him again – that’ll distract him. . . 

 Our pink overlord

Looks like Kirby is tired of being second best . . . 

It’s me, Meow-rio!

Cats always make hard times better, don’t they? 

Fresh for a funeral 

Yeah, that seems about right. 


Something feels off about this. We can’t put our fingers on it though . . . 

He rises again. . . 

It’d be fun to see if he does the classic call of “Braaaaaiiinnnnsss” in an Italian accent. 

Off with his head! 

Seriously, though, you guys are brutal

Do you have any other Mario death memes? Drop them below in the comments so we can keep laughing (and crying) together! 

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