Need to cope? Here are the best dark COVID-19 jokes around
COVID-19 has put a damper on many people’s lives and has given many a bleak outlook on the world. Being stuck inside with no clear answers on when COVID-19 will end has been frustrating for many. Sometimes, laughter can be the best medicine for those who have lost hope during 2020.
It helps to take a troubling situation and find the humor within, even if it’s a dark situation that shouldn’t be joked about. Here are some of the darkest COVID-19 jokes which will hopefully give you some joy during these times.
A virus of many names
Here are some funny alternative names for when using COVID-19 or coronavirus becomes repetitive.
Cheap flights
Traveling has never been cheaper. However, you have to ask yourself if traveling during a pandemic is truly worth it.
Bob Ross painting
People may spread around the virus without even realizing it, causing a “happy little accident” of their own.
An impostor among us
With some schools reopening, there may be students coming to school with the virus. Students may not know who it is, but the infected person could be acting suspiciously.
No real timetable
Back in March, some officials said the virus would be gone by Memorial Day. Fast forward – now it’s October and Halloween has been canceled.
Taking the risk
Many companies have allowed their employees to work remotely to avoid any health risks. However, some didn’t take this approach and are risking spreading coronavirus to keep the company afloat.
Marriage troubles
Married couples have been forced to spend even more time together inside. While some couples will take this time to bond, even more, some will find out even more flaws in their spouse.
Zoom is behind it all
Did you know what Zoom was before lockdown began? Many people had not. But Zoom is certainly doing well now. Makes us think about who is truly behind this.
Halloween 2020
If people do celebrate Halloween this year, they could be wearing cool and creative costumes. However, one thing about each costume will remain the same.
COVID-19 memes are becoming less funny
Memes about COVID-19 were already starting to get worrisome in April. In October, this meme aged like a fine wine – a wine you drink as the world crumbles around you!