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'Supergirl' was in danger of being cancelled several times. Here are some of the reasons we're glad it stayed on CW.

'Supergirl' has delivered some incredibly inspiring quotes during its 5 season run. Here's a rundown of the best quotes here.

'Supergirl' star Melissa Benoist has been transparent with her real life struggles. Find out why she is the perfect hero.

Nia Nal played the first transgender hero on 'Supergirl'. Here are all the reasons why she's the hero we need.

Here’s why we think that 'Supergirl' should go the route of 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' and have Kara remain single in season 5.

We're absolutely stoked that The CW's 'Batwoman', premiering in October, features the first openly gay female superhero to lead a TV show.

Over the weekend, Nicole Maines was announced as being cast in the role during the Supergirl panel at San Diego Comic-Con, with the actress joining the rest of