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If every 'Twin Peaks' fan is being honest, we all expected the Emmy nominations to completely screw over what we all know to be one of the greatest

Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa’s 'Riverdale' features loving tributes to 'Twin Peaks' that make it a strange reflection of the iconic 90s hit.

Are you a Bookhouse Boy? Take the ‘Twin Peaks’ quiz and determine whether you fit into the show’s eccentric cast.

No one could imagine that the bizarre, fever dream-like events of 'Twin Peaks' were based on a real-life unsolved murder. Let's dive in.

With 'I Know Catherine, The Log Lady', audiences may finally get to know a little more about the woman Lynch called “solid gold”, Catherine E. Coulson.

Over the past four decades, David Lynch has continued to write his own compositions and collaborate with musicians and sound experts.

Need a proverbial page turner? Here’s a ranking of the ten most addictive TV murder mystery shows so good that you’ll watch the whole thing in one sitting.

Over the years, there have been many triumphs as well as defeats among TV series finales. Here are some of the best and worst TV finales of all

To celebrate the long-awaited return to the mysterious town of Twin Peaks, Showtime has released a new teaser for the upcoming show.