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Should we be so excited about 'Bride of Frankenstein' despite the early reviews? Let's take a deeper look.

The Gotham Awards proved that the Hollywood industry is still striving and thriving. Meet some of the biggest winners from the awards ceremony.

After Taylor Swift aimed fire at Jake Gyllenhaal in her latest music video, people are taking a second look at the actor's dating history with young women.

There have been a lot of phenomenal limited series so good that they can be returned to and rewatched time and again. Here’s our ranking of the ten

To celebrate Annual Sibling Day, we thought it’d be the perfect opportunity to go through our favorite sibling actors from film & TV.

Some wigs are so killer they could be sentient. Here’s our ranking of the nine most epic wigs that we suspect may actually have a mind of their

Women in TV have been on fire lately. Here’s our ranking of the strongest TV females in HBO’s finest shows. Let’s hear it for the girls!

The third and final season of 'The Deuce' on HBO has started, and if you haven’t tuned in before then, you owe it to yourself to catch up.

Along with the news that HBO has shared the premiere date for season two of 'The Deuce', we’re taking a look at some of the other shows the