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Kickstarter Tag


Starting a business is always a challenge, even when it comes to franchises. Discover the best way to kickstart a successful store franchise.

Paul Schneider and Alicia Schneider are trying to be the change they want to see as they are Kickstarting a gay Christmas movie that could rival Hallmark.

When Freeform canceled the supernatural young adult show, 'Shadowhunters' fans took to more than Twitter to voice their upset and disdain.

We’ve been talking a lot about why 'Shadowhunters' deserves to continue. Want to #SaveShadowhunters? Let’s make it happen, Shadowfam – here’s how.

Back in 2013, instead of turning big-name production companies, Alejandro Jodorowsky funded 'Endless Poetry' using Kickstarter. The master was back!

With 'I Know Catherine, The Log Lady', audiences may finally get to know a little more about the woman Lynch called “solid gold”, Catherine E. Coulson.

We have a few social media suggestions for you to increase your coverage, viewership, and profits with far more success than Facebook.

Crowdfunding is now an accepted way to make and finance films. Let’s look at some of the biggest crowdfunded movies.

Being a filmmaking genius can be a lonely life. With more social media sites than ever before, there are plenty of platforms to help you connect.