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'Star Trek: Picard' was terrible. It was a mind-numbing slog that became more incomprehensible the longer it went on. Here's why.

Going across the 'Star Trek' franchise, we’ve found the best memes to share. Remember to live long and make memes for the next internet generation.

Every single character on 'Star Trek: Picard' is having a midlife crisis. Here's all the characters from 'Picard' and some of their many faults.

We love Jean-Luc Picardand his rag-tag team of Starfleet officers. 'Star Trek: Picard' will see Patrick Stewart back in the role that made him famous.

Patrick Stewart back in a Starfleet uniform! We've got the data about what to expect from CBS All Access's new TV series, 'Star Trek: Picard'.