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Hulu Tag


In its first four episodes, Percy Jackson and the Olympians shows a lot of promise. Here's what happens next!

'Curb Your Enthusiasm' is finally lowering the curtain and its time to see what the cast has to say about its storied history.

the reviews are in for 'The Crown' and there is almost no way around the shade towards the queen. Here's the worst of it.

We finally know what it was that took the life of celebrated actor Andre Braugher. Let's take a closer look.

Is "Money Heist" already in Emmy and Oscar talk before the show even begins? Let's take a look at the mega-viral images now.

Could you really make a fake profile on Netflix and get away with it? Let's see what the numbers say.

Are we too quick to retreat into the comfort of familiar narratives when faced with unsettling realities? Dive into the weird homage to 'Friends'.

Is 'Fargo' season 5 headed for Emmy territory? There's too much buzz not to look into it further. Here's what we found.

There's a real-life adaptation of 'Squid Games' and we are not sure how to feel about it, but let's see what the critics say.