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A movie recommender system is a kind of recommender system that suggests films. Here's how it can help the streaming business.

Movies recommender systems for the streaming business

According to a Statista report on the rapid growth of Subscription video-on-demand (SVOD), the industry of movie platforms is expected to exceed $124 billion in revenues by 2028. 

As we know, any streaming service contains thousands of content available for viewing, which creates difficulty for the customer in making a choice. The torture of selecting can drag on for hours, causing an upsetting experience. This is where the movies recommender system comes into play to help you choose content based on your preferences. 

Let’s get to the bottom: how does it work and how could it be useful for the streaming business?

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What is the movie recommender system?

A movie recommender system is a kind of recommender system that suggests films  to users according to their interests and preferences. It is a software app that uses machine learning algorithms to analyse user data, such as viewing history, ratings and reviews, to predict which films a user might like. 

The aim of a movie recommendation system is to provide personalised recommendations that increase user satisfaction and engagement with the platform. Well-known examples of recommend movies operation are Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and IMDb.

How it works

The basis for recommender system movies is the rapidly evolving machine learning. Machine learning algorithms like the ones developed by InData Labs are responsible for analysing customer data, ratings and much more. The result of running these algorithms can be based on varying criteria. Three approaches  can be distinguished among recommender systems: content-based and collaborative filtering, hybrid approach.

Content-based filtering

Content-based recommender systems analyse film attributes, such as genre, actors and plot, so as to advise users on similar films. Here it’s simple enough: if the user often watches comedies, or films with one particular actor, the system will tailor offers according to the customer’s experience.

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Collaborative filtering

Collaborative filtering, on the other hand, uses data from multiple users to find similarities between them and propose movies that are liked by users with similar preferences.  This concept is rooted in the idea that people with similar preferences are more likely to enjoy the same content.

Hybrid approach

You’re right in your assumption. Hybrid approach is a combination of the previous two concepts. These movie recommender systems use a combination of user data and movie attributes to generate recommendations. Let’s say a customer prefers westerns, but at the same time a large part of a similar audience did not appreciate a particular film in this theme. In that case, the hybrid system would not recommend that content.

Movies recommender systems & streaming business

Every streaming business hosts a huge amount of content. It is vital to guide the customer through such vast amounts of data. What’s more, today’s customers demand a high level of personalisation. This is where the movies recommender system becomes an indispensable tool to improve the performance of a streaming platform. The recommender system provides customers with meaningful and personalised content, which definitely boosts their engagement with the platform. And as it’s known, customer loyalty is a direct route to success for businesses.

Besides, the movies recommender system has additional functionality that is extremely relevant to the operation of a streaming company. Let’s take a deeper look into how algorithms can add value to a movie platform.

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Individual Filtering

This feature allows film platforms to add a layer of filters to create personalised recommendations. Streaming business needs to upload the required user data and set up filters. Importantly, this feature enables multiple filters to be set at the same time. As a result, the system gives highly relevant solutions tailored to every single customer. 

Cost efficiency

Recommender systems can help the streaming business save money by promoting content that users are more likely to watch. By reducing the need for expensive marketing campaigns, recommender systems can help platforms optimise their content promotion strategies.


As streaming platforms grow, the amount of content available to users can become prohibitive. The system can help scale content discovery by providing relevant recommendations across an extensive content library.

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User retention 

A recommender system can help to retain users by providing relevant recommendations based on viewing history. By reducing the time and effort users spend searching for new content, a recommendation system can increase user satisfaction and retention.

In Conclusion

Nowadays, customers especially value highly personalised and intellectual experiences. People are no longer willing to put up with the need of searching for content on their own. That’s why it’s hard to underestimate the role of machine learning algorithms  on a streaming platform. The movies recommender system is an essential tool for the streaming business for many reasons. 

Overall, the recommender system is an important tool for the streaming business, providing personalised, scalable and cost-effective content discovery solutions that can help platforms stand out in a highly competitive market. 

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