Best 7 Casino Movies On Netflix
Netflix is the best place to watch movies, period. Casino creations are common here as well so you can enjoy these when you like. These are great creations about gambling, the matched thrill and so much more. These gambling movies are special and they can help you imagine yourself in Las Vegas playing for millions. If you are more realistic, Netflix can help you relax and enjoy more at home. Anyway, let’s see the best movies of this kind available on Netflix right now.
The director of this movie is Mike Hodge and no, this is not based in Las Vegas or a well-known casino on the Strip. As a matter of fact, the movie is located in London and uses underground poker rooms or better said underground card rooms. The idea is to present this form of gambling bad and problematic. The main character is a dealer in that casino and he wants you to know about people who bet everything they have. The theme is dark and the movie is appealing, something you will have to watch as soon as possible.
If you want to play games at a casino after you are done watching this movie, do it with a lot of care. Always check reviews of the best crypto casinos first and use help from the experts. Only then you will know which casino is the best and why. Where you have the best odds for winning and where you can have the best fun overall.
James Bond: Casino Royale
This creation is epic. James Bond will play versus an enemy and help the agency save the world. The movie has been considered as one of the best sequels and one of the most interesting ones. You can see car chases, thrilling moments and so much more. In this casino realm, Bond will play a poker game and the stakes are high, as you would expect. The big twist comes as well so you may want to watch it first. There is no need to reveal all the traces about this creation.
The movie was released in 2008 and it is a huge hit. You can see stars like Jim Sturgess, Kate Bosworth, Laurence Fishburne, Kevin Spacey and many more. Here a teacher will take a group of extraordinary students to Las Vegas and they will play blackjack using advanced card counting. That is a real thing believe it or not. Some players have been using it and it is legal! They will win massive amounts every single week. Gambling is strong here and it is a passion. The professor doesn’t end his relationship with the students well and the dark side is present. But, the film is all about the thrill and helping ordinary people get the best time of their life, among other things. Love element is present as well but not detailed.
The Gambler
This film is special as well and it is a casino world representation that is like no other. Yes, poker games have the main role. Here Mark Wahlberg has the main role. He is a professor and he wants to play in order to get massive amounts and pay back the debt. Will he succeed? We will keep that as a secret. We can also see destructive and problematic behavior that is common here.
It was created by Martin Scorsese and it is the best of them all. It is one of the first creations of this kind and one that is based in the city of sin and the one where a mafia owns a casino. But, an ordinary person leads it. He is Robert De Niro and must complete all kinds of things in order to get a job done. He is successful, astonishing and special. The creation doesn’t have a simple and ordinary end but it is definitely one of the best points here. We liked it and we believe you will enjoy it as well.
Oceans 11
This can be the best movie in the world for some of you. Stars are impressive. You will see George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Matt Damon and many more. They are a team who will rob the casino. They leave without a trace and they get millions. But, they don’t hurt anyone. The movie is about revenge, mystery, success and careful planning. It is also set in the gambling city of the world so you know what this means.
It is an old creation and one like no other. The main character is Bugsy Siegel and he has a simple dream. He wants to make an oasis in the desert where people can enjoy gambling completely. Sounds familiar and simple? Well, this creation made all of that possible. This was long before the world series and the online realm where you can get all the perks today. This was a separate era.
The Final Word
You can watch many other creations that involve Mike McDermott, Jake Johnson and many more. But, these 7 are the best of the best and they are special. You can even have a full-night marathon with these creations only. It is up to you. All we can add is that these creations will put a smile on your face and help you have fun more than ever before. These will also keep you busy for hours.