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The Melb Wine Store Review: Wine’s Finest Benefits

The Wine shop Melbourne carries an expansive selection of beer, wine and spirits – offering wine hampers for all occasions and events as well as online ordering and interstate shipping services. Established for over 30 years now, they pride themselves on exceptional customer service and reliability.

Wine’s Finest Benefits

Wine is chock-full of antioxidants that fight free radical damage to cells, while also providing essential resveratrol to protect against certain cancers and strengthen insulin regulation and immune functions.

Wine has many health advantages that scientists are still exploring. Drinking pinot noir with dinner or unwinding with merlot in the evening has many proven health advantages; these wines may provide protection from heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes and cognitive decline.


Drinking both red and white wines may help reduce oxidative stress by increasing antioxidants in the blood. This reduces heart disease risk as well as other illnesses caused by an imbalance between antioxidants and unstable molecules (1)

Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grapes and wine, helps diabetics control their blood sugar. Furthermore, this supplement promotes gut health while protecting against brain disease and ageing – all benefits which may help prolong longevity.

Studies show that drinking one glass of wine daily may help your immune system and decrease inflammation, combat depression, protect lungs from diseases like COPD, and reduce Alzheimer’s risk.


Red wine’s phytochemicals, particularly resveratrol and antioxidants, help combat chronic inflammation related to autoimmune diseases, blood clots, arthritis and digestive tract issues. Furthermore, its immune-enhancing qualities and reduced cancer risks help strengthen your defenses against future illnesses.

Resveratrol and quercetin, two phytochemicals found in many wines, possess anti-inflammatory properties which help promote healthier arteries by decreasing “bad” cholesterol buildup while encouraging the body to reserve “good” cholesterol instead. They may also lower stroke risks and prevent cell stress.


Red wine contains vitamin B-6, which has been proven to aid the body in fighting infections, according to NIH. Furthermore, its small amount of zinc may help strengthen your immune system.

Red wine’s polyphenols have long been recognized for their ability to protect proteins and lipids against reactive oxygen species damage by neutralizing advanced glycation end products (AGEs), possibly helping prevent neurodegenerative disease [81].

One of the compounds found in red wine, malvidin-3-O glucoside, exhibits antimicrobial effects and has been demonstrated to decrease Porphyromonas gingivalis adhesion to human periodontal cells in vitro. Resveratrol found within wine has also been proven to inhibit bacterial growth while killing acne-causing strains of E. coli bacteria during laboratory experiments [74].

Lowers Cholesterol

Alcohol in wine has many health advantages, and even one glass can provide antioxidants and nutrients essential for heart health. Resveratrol is believed to help decrease inflammation caused by cardiovascular diseases like heart disease and stroke.

Researchers have also discovered that Resveratrol can effectively inhibit or stop the creation of new fat cells within our bodies, as well as help protect us against diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Wine contains resveratrol, which when converted to piceatannol can alter how immature fat cells grow and develop – helping maintain healthy weight control while simultaneously lowering cholesterol levels.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Hypertension occurs when blood forces exert too much force against arterial walls, potentially leading to heart disease. Wine has been found to lower blood pressure when combined with other preventive measures like exercise, healthy diets and stress management techniques.

Recent studies revealed that drinking one non-alcoholic red wine glass daily can significantly decrease blood pressure levels. Resveratrol found in red wine has been proven to elevate levels of nitric oxide which in turn promotes blood flow and relaxation of arterial walls, leading to reduced blood pressure levels.

Lowers Risk of Cancer

Many alcoholic beverages offer additional health-protecting properties that could help to lower cancer risks, although selecting these drinks with care must be made especially by women due to its cancer-fighting properties kicking in at relatively low consumption levels.

Researchers conducting a 2000 study discovered that red wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant compound which attacks pancreatic cancer cells by impairing their energy source. Researchers also discovered that resveratrol makes cancer cells more responsive to treatment and boosts chemotherapy effectiveness.

Resveratrol may play an integral role in helping prevent cancer as well as heart disease, according to research conducted on mice. Resveratrol appears to dilate arteries and decrease chances of blood clots that reduce oxygen flow to the heart, thus decreasing chances of blood clots that cut off oxygen supply to it.

Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

Studies suggest that drinking moderate wine (one or two glasses daily for men, and one glass a day for women) can significantly lower your risk of heart disease. This may be attributed to red wines’ rich array of polyphenols which act to scavenge free radicals while simultaneously preventing LDL oxidation.

When choosing wines to protect your heart, look for those labeled pinot noir, as this grape variety grows best in wet environments where its levels of resveratrol are highest. Also avoid wines aged for too long as this process reduces their levels.

Final Words

This liquor shop in Melbourne is open 7 days a week to meet their customer’s needs, Wine delivery in Melbourne offering same day delivery service of their wines as well as offering a wide variety of wines that make an occasion perfect. They have online ordering available or visit their shop directly – the choice is yours.

1. Their team of professionals will assist in finding the appropriate wine for any special event or celebration, to make sure that it suits both yourself and your guests perfectly. In addition, they can assist with selecting food pairings to go well with it.
2. Personalise Your Wine is an online store offering premium wine at reasonable prices, directly sourced from vineyards and wineries.
3. They also provide custom labelling and free local delivery; making ordering wine online hassle-free in Australia.
4. They have a selection of champagnes and shiraz wines as well as gift boxes perfect for gift giving; their prices are highly competitive while service quality remains exceptional.

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