“We were on a break”: Take our Ross and Rachel ‘Friends’ quiz
Ross & Rachel are truly the ultimate TV pairing. During the ten seasons of NBC’s Friends, Ross & Rachel get together, break up, get married, have a baby, and fall in & out of love. We continue to watch the whole glorious saga while still pondering that timeless question: were they really on a break?
Friends is a show that never goes out of style and Ross & Rachel are forever one of the best TV couples of all time. We still go back to binge a few episodes (or the whole entire show) every now & then to see Joey chow down on sandwiches or to listen to Phoebe sing “Smelly Cat”.
We imagine you’ve seen Friends once or twice – or six or seven times – so now’s the chance to unleash your vast store of knowledge! How well do you know the iconic couple Ross & Rachel? Take our quiz and find out!