4 Movies you shouldn’t be watching on a date
Let’s be honest. Movies make lousy dates. You are sitting in a dark room together, aware of each other’s presence but unable to communicate much. So, it isn’t a great way to know each other. However, hopeful romantics have been going to movie theatres ever since they opened. As the saying goes, “There is nothing more valuable than how lovers feel in the movie theater about a movie.”
Moreover, movies give you something to talk about when you have nothing else to discuss. However, there are some movies which you shouldn’t watch at all costs. So, in this article, we will tell you about the top 4 movies which you shouldn’t watch on a date.
Some of the movies mentioned here are about breakups, which you should watch when you are single. Nothing kills a good date than a horrific breakup in movies. The films hurt because you know that there were times when the on-screen couple was in love and happy with one another.
4 Movies You Shouldn’t Watch On A Date:
Here is the list of top 4 movies which you shouldn’t watch on a date:
1. Gone Girl:
Depending upon your way of looking at things, Gone Girl is either quite troublingly misogynistic or quite feminist or even both at the same time. But the thing that everyone agrees upon is that the movie features the myth of a perfect couple before blowing apart, exposing our insecurities and confusions about romantic relationships.
In the movie, the main character, Nick, played by Ben Affleck, is an unemployed journalist who is forced to live at home in Missouri, where he opens a bar with his twin sister. Amy, Nike’s wife, is a writer who is also struggling and plans to move to the midwest.
Amy structured her book as he said/she said, starting on the day of Dunnes’ fifth anniversary. It’s also the day that Amy disappears. Now, there are signs of a blood struggle at home and Nick becomes the main person of interest in the suspected murder of his pregnant wife. However, as the movie unfolds, we come to know about some dark realities in their marriage.
Some critics have called Gone Girl one of the best date-night movies for couples looking for suspense and mystery movies. With David Fincher being the director and Gillian Flynn penning the screenplay, the film goes into a thriller mode very quickly, which can be a good couple’s material. The point is that you shouldn’t watch this movie on a date. However, you can watch it when you know each other better.
2. Happiness:
Todd Salandz’s film Happiness is included in this list of top 4 movies which you shouldn’t watch on a date. What it feels like is the mental distress you feel if you call your teacher “mom” during the middle of the class or when you say an awkward goodbye to someone.
In crux, Happiness is a comic portrait of miserable and messed up subordinates, doing messed up things in pursuit of true fulfillment and happiness. Among them is a serial killer and pedophile, who gets off on making vulgar calls to women and they all portray some level of sympathy.
However, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t funny. It is hysterical at some points. However, it is a quite uncomfortable kind of funny, the kind of funny that makes you ashamed of laughing.
3. The Lobster:
Yorgas Lanthimos’ pitch-black comic sensibilities are good for the best of times and are quite suitable for a first date, however, The Lobster takes a few steps further than usual. The main plot of the film is that all the single people have to check into a unique hotel where they have to find a mate or be transformed into an animal of their choice. This movie is a satirical alternate reality that curses being single and the alternative doesn’t seem any better too. Although this movie is light, it isn’t suitable to watch with your date as it creates an uncomfortable feeling.
The Lobster takes familiar human behaviors and gestures associated with dating and love life and renders them strange. According to the movie review site, The Cut, the film turns dating into a robotic ritual, devoid of passion and it poses some deep and uncomfortable questions in the process.
Are truly honest and fulfilling relations possible? Is it better to be left alone forever? These are some of the questions which you don’t want to be asking on a date.
4. Shame:
On the face of it, Shame is all about sex addiction, however, it could have been about any other addiction. The movie tells the story of Brandon, played by Michael Fassbender, a 30-years old man living in New York who is unable to control his sex life.
After his younger sister moves into his apartment for an indefinite stay, Brandon’s life goes even more out of control. Shame examines the way we live our lives and how different experiences shape us.
Shame tells us the aspects of human behavior like no other movie in the century has managed to do. Everyone came to know about McQueen from the Oscar-winning “12 Years A Slave.” Watch Shame and you will come to know why McQueen is a great talent. The way he makes the camera linger about in different scenes is pure genius.
However, you shouldn’t watch it on a date as it is about a man’s sexual addiction and is quite graphic.
Above, we have listed the movies which you shouldn’t watch on a date. However, if you want to know the best movies to watch in 2021, click here.
The Dating Apocalypse Survival Kit Review:
Watching a good movie on a date is a great way to attract your date. If you want to attract a woman, you can also check out The Dating Apocalypse Survival Kit review. It’s a guide that shows men how to attract women in today’s age. In the 21st century, dating etiquettes are quite different due to the arrival of the internet.
To help you get more matches in the Dating world, the program contains effective content which contains blueprints, audio lessons, scripts, and HD video training. So, you should try it out.
In this article, we have discussed the top 4 movies which you shouldn’t watch on a date. You should note here that we aren’t saying that you should never watch the movies mentioned here. Some of the movies mentioned here are the best ones ever made in cinema history. All we are saying is that you should never watch them on a date.