‘Good Girls’ season 4: When will we be able to watch it?
Good Girls has short & sweet seasons, keeping the show’s plot tight and from dragging itself out too long. Usually the seasons air in late winter & early spring, but with the pandemic currently making film & television production more difficult than usual, a lot of series are seeing delays.
So, the question on the mind of Good Girls fans is whether or not we’ll be getting our regularly scheduled crime-drama fix, or if we’ll be forced to wait even longer before knowing whether or not Beth goes through with having Rio killed by a hitman.
Full steam ahead
The show was quickly renewed by NBC for a fourth season once the third season aired. Which is great for fans, since there’s definitely a lot of unanswered questions. There have been no announcements about postponing production or delaying the start of filming, so as far as we can tell this is a “no news is good news” situation.
In fact, the producers got a bunch of the actors together for a zoom call to announce that season 4 was greenlit and then posted a recording of the celebration to the internet.
Hollywood has already created guidelines for productions to allow for filming to slowly start up again and we see no reason Good Girls season 4 won’t be able to start on schedule thanks to this.
Season 3 cut short
Season 3 of Good Girls was originally intended to have sixteen episodes, however, the pandemic cut production short and left fans with eleven episodes. While it was disappointing, we’re glad the cast & crew decided to take care of their health first and foremost.
Does this mean season 4 will have extra episodes? Probably not, but you never know. Most likely the show will pick up where it left off and tell us 16 episodes of the story. Luckily for Good Girls, the end of episode eleven had a bit of a cliffhanger ending so it felt like a pretty great place to leave the show for the season.
Retta, who plays Ruby, admitted in an interview that they had shot all of episode 12 – except for one scene. A frustrating situation for sure. We’d hazard a guess that this episode will become the season 4 premiere episode.
What we need to see in season 4
Since there are a lot of unanswered questions, thanks to the last season not getting finished, there’s a lot of loose ends. Obviously, we’re wondering what’s going to happen with this new FBI agent who is trying to ingratiate herself with Beth, Annie, and Ruby.
We also have to know if they’ll actually kill off Rio (we know Brio fans would be less than happy about that turn of events) or if he’ll survive once more.
Also, and this is our personal hope, we’d like it if Annie could actually get a storyline that isn’t about her pining over some dude that gave her a nice smile that one time. We’re getting a little tired of her hapless-hot-mess schtick and wouldn’t mind seeing her grow up substantially.
Our other hopes
While we’re talking about what we’d like to see, and not what we expect to see, we’d like to see the plot move forward. The last season felt like a recycled version of the past two seasons.
We want to see Beth and the gang move forward & actually get some clout in the crime world. They keep getting pushed down at every turn, and it’s starting to feel less like a show about women trying to empower themselves, and more about how women just can’t ever get ahead.
We want to see the ladies get some success in season 4 of Good Girls.
Annette Cruz
When will season 3 AND 4 arrive on NETFLIX because I´v really been trying to watch them all but I can´t because there not on there at all?!!
November 13, 2020Juliette
Season 3 is already on Netflix, it has been for a few months now. Season 4 is expected to be out within the first 4/5 months of 2021 but no dates been realised yet as they have only recently been able to start shooting again.
November 19, 2020Annette Cruz
PLease let me know ASAP!!!
November 13, 2020