‘GLOW’ style: How to dress like a Gorgeous Lady of Wrestling
Season three of GLOW has just wrapped on Netflix and we just heard that season four will be the final season. All this means you’ll probably be desperate to find a local ladies wrestling group you too can join before the weekend is over. You’ll likely also be tempted to drop a fair chunk of money on a set of spandex ensembles after barely two episodes.
But the truth is, it takes a lot more than some shiny leotards to dress like a Gorgeous Lady of Wrestling – the look revolves around a specific attitude, not just a whole set of shimmering looks. To ensure that you can become a Gorgeous Lady of Wrestling while bingewatching the new season, here’s our guide on how to dress like a GLOW superstar.
Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have
Early on in S1 we see Ruth (Alison Brie) drawing inspiration from iconic wrestler Hulk Hogan to practice some moves and some serious looks in her bedroom. Why? Because she wants this job, dammit! Rip open an old shirt, tie a towel around your head, and give yourself a fierce pep talk in the mirror to be the person you know you can be.
Don’t be afraid of a DIY look
Sometimes you just have to go with your instinct, cut some fingers out of a pair of dish washing gloves, and Frankenstein an outfit out of old threads to look your best.
Try new things
The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling aren’t afraid of invention and neither should you! Every day is an opportunity to be someone new. If that means throwing on a space helmet or a cape to your boss’s party, so be it!
You’d better work!
Who says a workout wardrobe has to be drab? Look as fierce as your regime is by rockin’ a heroic leotard, some rainbow leg warmers, and a cut off tee. Or make like Tammé Dawson (Kia Stevens) and tone down that badass body with some delicate floral spandex.
Don’t be afraid of bringing some major hair game to the gym, though. Braids and bouffants make you stronger, honey!
Speaking of which, your hair – go big or go home!
The bigger, the better, girl. There are powers to be pulled from a high stack of well spitzed hair. Pair with your best gnarly fighting face.
And take your opponents down.
Your day & night looks both need to involve pure power outfits
Whether you’re kicking ass hustling for money like the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling when they’re trying to fund the show or kicking ass in this big wrestling ring called life, you need to bring some power to your look. For daytime, this means dazzling the world for money like Melanie (Jackie Tohn):
Before unleashing your bad girl after dark with enormous hair and bodycon realness
Experimenting with some bold shoulders, sleek hair, and sweet colors like Jenny (Ellen Wong)
Before letting your hair down and letting your wild side out
Looking like Nancy Reagan one moment.
And looking like Nancy Reagan’s worst nightmare the next.
Always try and work a solid pair of suspenders into your look.
Justine (Britt Baron) is a big fan of them and so are we. Incorporate them into every look possible. It’s dynamite!
Most importantly, always be true to yourself
We hate that characters Arthie (Sunita Mani), Reggie (Marianna Palka), Tammé, and Jenny are forced to dress as the obnoxiously offensive stereotypes of their respective heritages. Particularly as their characters are nothing like the wrestling personas they’re forced to adopt. To dress like a Gorgeous Lady of Wrestling means knowing yourself and celebrating your strengths, just like Sheila who never loses sight of herself even at the damn roller disco.
Jump off the ropes and go dazzle the world!