‘Drag Race UK’: Get the tea from this week’s surprise eliminated queen
Joe Black is signing off…. again. Bringing eliminated queens back into the competition isn’t unheard of, but said queen being eliminated in the same episode is quite new. Episode five of Drag Race UK is all kinds of crazy.
It’s the first episode after Ginny Lemon’s self-elimination, the first one filmed after the return from COVID-related delays, and the episode where one eliminated queen gets to return. No surprise, we have plenty of questions for Joe Black about her short-lived return to the werkroom.
That RuPaul rant
Pissing off Mama Ru is no easy feat. So Joe Black getting a mouthful from Ru was something none of the fans were truly expecting. Neither was Joe apparently. Doesn’t mean he didn’t think it was entertaining.
“I just thought it was such a surreal moment happening that I almost felt like I was watching television and thinking, ‘Oh this is a very dramatic episode, isn’t it?’ Then realizing ‘No, this is actually me!’ You know I regret nothing. Both my times I’ve left, I feel great about it. Fantastic TV.”
Miss Popular in the werkroom
Joe’s fellow queens were in control of her fate at the beginning of this episode. Out of Cherry Valentine, Asttina Mandella, and Joe Black, Joe easily won the majority of the votes from the remaining queens. Maaaybe she let it go to her head a little, but it was nevertheless an important moment to her.
“I’m glad I did. Regardless of what happened, I’m so happy to have popped my face in again.” She told us.
You can read our full interview with Joe Black below, and check out our first elimination interview with her here.
How did you spend your lockdown?
I started doing that kind of toxic productivity thing that people do. You know? When you’ve got some time off and you’re trying to distract yourself, and you start trying to do so much to make up for the fact that you’ve got all this time now. I found so many little things that needed fixing around the house.
I eventually realized that, you know, it was all just a distraction. Then I started making more videos on YouTube & Patreon, doing live streams and stuff. I don’t think I could have gotten through it without doing live stream shows. I was just convincing myself that I had to do the things around the house, otherwise it was just a waste of time and I wasn’t using my time gradually.
Did you know you were going to be invited back to the show?
I wished I had those seven months to get ready for it! No, I found out about three weeks before.
I’d actually sold some of my runway costumes. Because I needed the money and I didn’t know when the shows were going to happen again. I had no clue when I would have my livelihood back. And then you know being told “Would you like to come back? You have a one in three chance, no guarantee you’re coming back but you need to bring back everything with you.”
I was told three weeks before everything was back together again. So that was very stressful. Of course I’m not going to say no to it because you know if you’re given another chance, absolutely take it. And I’m glad I did. Regardless of what happened, I’m so happy to have popped my face in again.
Do you wish things could’ve gone differently the second time?
Absolutely not. Even the somewhat dramatic reaction to a certain High Street retailers dress. If something as simple as a pink dress can invoke such emotion and make such wonderful television, I would do it again and again and again.
I just thought it was such a surreal moment happening that I almost felt like I was watching television and thinking, “Oh this is a very dramatic episode, isn’t it?” Then realizing “No, this is actually me!” You know I regret nothing. Both my times I’ve left, I feel great about it. Fantastic TV.
Well since you brought it up…. It’s no secret Mama Ru tries to keep her cool while on Drag Race UK, but she was not afraid to make herself heard on that runway. What was your reaction to her outburst?
It was just odd. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that angry over a dress somebody else was wearing. You know, I love clothes, but I didn’t think they would stir such raw emotions in Ru. It was very dramatic. Perhaps too dramatic for a simple velvet dress, but like I said it does make incredible, incredible television so I’m happy to be the recipient of it.
And if this means that Drag Race UK can snatch up all of the Television Awards for having their own Tyra Banks “I’ve never screamed at a girl like this” moment, I am more than happy to be there at the shipping of the anger.
Do you think Ru was being too hard on you, or do you think she called you out fair and square?
Isn’t there an unspoken rule that challenges look, you know, they’re not part of the big picture? Because you think about all the things people have worn for challenges and stuff. But it is never ever ever brought up. I think like she said, isolation maybe wasn’t so great for us, and she just was feeling some kind of way.
Since you sadly will be missing it, what would’ve been your Snatch Game character?
I was going to do Telula Bankhead, the 1930s actress, flapper, general chaotic infamous Hollywood girl.
Do you think Drag Race UK helped you grow as a performer?
You know, I wasn’t on there long enough, I feel, to benefit from the actual competition itself. But I think, if anything, it’s made me more driven to work harder to achieve what I want to achieve using the springboard of a platform.
You know, these eyes are on me now, how do I give them the most authentic Joe Black experience? And again, it’s also where I benefit from not being in it for very long. I’m not in the show long enough to have things that formulated from the show, but I’ve got the attention of the people who love the show. Then I can just show them who I am.
Where can the fans find you, and what’s next for Joe Black?
I’m cracking on my YouTube and my Patreon. You know, just some nice, good content, for all of the people every week. I’m also uploading my own photos, what would have been my runway, along with the show as well, which is great. Find those on Instagram and Twitter @misterjoeblack. My Patreon and YouTube is my driving force though.
Drag Race UK airs Thursday on BBC Three in the UK and on WOWPresents Plus in the U.S. & other select territories.