Will Billie Piper return to the ‘Doctor Who’ cast?
Doctor Who fans are currently celebrating in a big way. In 2023, Russell T. Davies, who revived the series back in 2005, is coming back as a showrunner with, well, whoever is going to play the Fourteenth Doctor. Davies’ run on the series is particularly beloved by fans. After all, he brought fans the Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Martha Smith, Donna Noble, characters that remain beloved to this day.
Will Billie Piper, who played Rose Tyler, show back up in the cast of Doctor Who, however? Could we see her again in the show? Honestly, we can’t tell what’s going to happen moving forward. The fans, however, have a wish list and some major excitement since the announcement. So let’s see their vibe on things.
All of us rn #DoctorWho pic.twitter.com/bMbHX0xFpf
— Kevin (@scribblesscript) September 26, 2021
Everyone is making grabby hands at series 14
Don’t forget. We have those specials with the Thirteenth Doctor as well.
Honestly RTD coming back to #DoctorWho is the best news ever 🥰 pic.twitter.com/ZqgixDcsey
— Whovian Espresso (@WhovianEspresso) September 24, 2021
Old fans are sliding in
All of us in 2023.
In light of the ✨news✨ today, here are some of my fave paintings I did from the RTD era!! 🥳 #DoctorWho pic.twitter.com/iDtgT4Wp0H
— Alice X. Zhang (@alicexz) September 24, 2021
Pretty fanart
People are sharing their faves from the RTD era.
Russell is baaaaack! #DoctorWho https://t.co/PmzmAlvKrg
— Naoko Mori 森尚子 (@naoko_mori) September 24, 2021
Ah our hearts
The joy is just overtaking them all.
To celebrate the return of Russell T Davies on Doctor Who, let’s play one of his greatest moments on the show and in television history x ✨#DoctorWho
— Safe Space Who 🍁 (@SafeSpaceDrWho) September 24, 2021
And we’re looking back on some of the best cast moments of the RTD era of Doctor Who.
David Tennant calls Russell T Davies about the 60th Anniversary. #DoctorWho pic.twitter.com/qDmZ7YzQb4
— Chris Walker-Thomson (@ChrisWalkerT) September 24, 2021
When do we see the 60th anniversary, Russell?
“The next Doctor will be announced in due course” – c’mon Russell, make it happen… 🤞 #DoctorWho pic.twitter.com/IVKERAvgQq
— Morgan Jeffery (@morganjeffery) September 24, 2021
Time to toss Doctor suggestions into the ring
C’mon, buddy. POC Doctor for Series 14.
I think we're all a bit too excited for Russell T Davies to break our hearts again… #DoctorWho 💔💔 pic.twitter.com/1xJ6II03KU
— OurTardis (@OurTardis63) September 28, 2021
Break us
Remember all the times he made us cry?
Concept: T'Nia Miller is the 14th Doctor!
Paired with Russell T Davies' writing she'd be an unstoppable force of brilliance 💜 #DoctorWho pic.twitter.com/elyGOz5jG1
— Gerard Groves (@GerardGroves) September 26, 2021
He has to be looking for the new Doctor
Seriously, though, Davies.
Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat are the reason why I have Instagram 🤣❤️#DoctorWho pic.twitter.com/VBnFn6hjgT
— Safe Space Who 🍁 (@SafeSpaceDrWho) September 26, 2021
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Meanwhile, we can’t wait to see Moffat shade Davies in the comments.
Do you think that Russell T Davies will invite the cast of his first Doctor Who era back? Who do you think he’ll cast as the new Doctor? Let us know in the comments below!