‘Sex and the City’ sans Kim Cattrall? Why did the cast ditch Samantha?
If you’re a fan of Sex and the City then prepare yourself for some exciting news, and some potentially heartbreaking news. The beloved series which aired for six seasons and spawned two sequel movies may be hitting your screens again.
However, one of the main members of the cast may not be present – not even as a brief cameo. Here’s what you need to know about a potential revival of Sex and the City.
Is it a third movie?
For years there’s been rumors that Sex and the City would have a third movie, but the public has seen little confirmation or movement on the potential film. Now, it’s believed that HBO Max is finalizing a deal to create a limited series instead, which would potentially feel more like a seventh season instead of a third movie.
The length of the potential series is currently unknown, but it’s unlikely that it would span 20 episodes like the original six seasons did. Instead it will likely take on the form of a mini-series with a maximum of ten episodes – if not fewer.
No Samantha?
For all the people out there who have identified themselves as a Samantha with online quizzes, you may not like this next part. It’s believed that this potential series of episodes will not include Kim Cattrall, which means the character Samantha will also not be involved.
Cattrall has made it clear over the years that she has no interest in returning to her Sex and the City character. In fact, the rest of the cast has wanted to make a third movie, but Cattrall’s resistance to joining the project is largely rumored to be what has stymied progress of the movie.
Cattrall has even said about the role of Samantha, “It’s a great part. I played it past the finish line and then some, and I loved it.” This statement makes it clear that she believes Samantha is over-done & tired.
Suggesting a reboot?
In addition to saying Samantha has been “played past the finish line” Cattrall also suggested someone else should take on the part of Samantha saying “Maybe they could make it an African-American Samantha Jones, or a Hispanic Samantha Jones”.
Whether Cattrall was suggesting Sex and the City get a reboot with a new cast or she was suggesting someone take over for her while the rest of the original cast continues forward, we don’t know.
Is this about a feud?
It’s no secret that Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker aren’t exactly buddy-buddy. For years it’s been said the two actually hate each other in real life. It supposedly started when Cattrall attempted to get a pay raise during the original run of Sex and the City. Parker was getting a salary of $300,000 due to an executive producer title and Cattrall thought it only fair that she and the rest of the cast get similar pay.
Apparently the rest of the cast disagreed and it’s been said they wouldn’t even eat meals with Cattrall.
After a few difficult personal-life tragedies Cattrall posted this on Instagram, “My Mom asked me today ‘When will that @sarahjessicaparker, that hypocrite, leave you alone?’ Your continuous reaching out is a painful reminder of how cruel you really were then and now.” There’s more to the comment, but you get the drift – Cattrall pounded the statement home saying Parker is not a friend or family.
Some think that Cattrall’s reticence to continue with more Sex and the City is less about being bored with Samantha and more about not wanting to work with Parker. However, this is of course, speculation – though her public statements about Sarah Jessica Parker certainly make it clear they aren’t on good terms.
Are you excited about the prospect of new Sex and the City episodes? Would you watch without Samantha Jones being part of the series? Let us know in the comments below!
July 10, 2021