Don’t touch Yellowstone’s grizzlies! This campsite visitor might go to jail
There is far too much more to life than getting up everyday to drive in the same traffic, where you go to the same place, and do the same things every single day. It is common knowledge amongst us that nobody lives forever. Eventually, we’re all going to die and we only get one life. Never be afraid to put some pizazz in your days ,and vacations are perfect for that!
National parks make great destinations for scenery and exciting activities.
A Yellowstone campsite will pave the way for your visit to its Grand Canyon. It was drawn by the Yellowstone river, twenty miles long and up to 1,200 feet deep. Visit the Mammoth Hot Springs, Hayden Valley, or the Norris Geyser Basin. Go to the Lamar Valley, Dunraven Pass, Swan Lake Flats, or Gardiners so you can see the nightly and dawn to dusk grizzly bears. But whatever you do, do not touch the grizzly bears!
Safety around bears
Seeing a bear in person sounds like the kind of thing one might write on their bucket list. It’s definitely not something many have done before. Perhaps it may make someone excited and scared all at once. But it is still crucial to remember that bears in national parks are wild and can be dangerous. They’re not domesticated.
Sometimes, their moves and behavior is unpredictable. Granted, bear attacks on humans are rare but they have happened, nevertheless, resulting in serious injuries and death.
When it comes to these bears, no two bears are always alike. Every bear and human encounter experience is unique. There is no such thing as a single technique that will work in every situation to protect your safety.
Bear encounters do usually end without injury. The entities in charge of the national parks want to keep you protected on your vacations. It is why they provide us with some basic guidelines to follow, minimizing your threat of danger.
Don’t touch Yellowstone’s grizzlies!
Very recently, an Illinois woman identified as Samantha Dehring has been charged after a video surfaced of her standing merely a few feet from an approaching grizzly bear with her two cubs at Yellowstone National Park.
Dehing was a part of a group of tourists, visiting the Roaring Mountain area. According to the Billings Gazette, the incident occured on May 15, 2021. Witnesses told investigators that when they saw the bears drawing closer, they went back to their vehicles. Everyone warned Dehring to get back but she did not until after the mother bear charged her.
Yellowstone has its visitors stay at least three-hundred feet away from the bears and wolves. No one is allowed to approach and/or feed the wildlife. Everyone is to stay on the boardwalks and trails of thermal areas.
Breaking the law
The video was shown throughout social media, showing the mother bear bluff charging the woman. The bear was approaching the woman from about fifteen feet. Yellowstone National Park shared the image of the woman, requesting her identification.
Court records credit the public’s tip for leading investigators to Dehring’s Facebook page, where she posted pictures of the incident. They showed her with the grizzly bears accompanied by the caption, “absolutely floored by the beauty of this place”.
Samantha Dehring is being charged with breaking a federal law. The law was meant to protect the park’s animals from “feeding, touching, teasing, frightening, or intentionally disturbing wildlife nesting, breeding or other activities.”
No matter where you choose to set up your campsite, always take the Yellowstone or any national park rules seriously. These rules are here for ours and the animals’ safety. Would you like to hear more about Yellowstone and its wildlife? Let us know in the comments!