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According to former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge, extraterrestrial coexistence has been around for decades. How long have UFOs existed?

Were UFOs there for Jesus’s birth? What Tom Delonge says

According to former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge, extraterrestrial coexistence has been around much longer than most people think – even going back to as early as Jesus’s birth. In fact, DeLonge’s research has taken him so far in depth he’s suggested that a spacecraft was even present for the birth.

With a penchant for being outspoken on the topic of aliens, DeLonge has created a high profile for himself as a believable voice within the conspiracy community. Even though it’s seemed like he’s been ranting about nonsense, his company, To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, received a research deal with the U.S. Army and the Navy even published UFO videos shared by him and his organization.

Star of Bethlehem

DeLonge has stated that he has evidence that supports his beliefs that aliens have been about since the beginning of civilization, and that the Star of Bethlehem could have actually been an alien spacecraft. 

“The ancient texts may have called it God, but I’m just saying it’s not that simple. The star of Bethlehem – was that a star or a craft? Because a star is really big. It wouldn’t be hovering over a manger,” DeLonge said in an interview. 

By Delonge’s accounts, people are interpreting these phenomenons for God but instead, they’re extraterrestrial experiences that people just haven’t become privy to yet. In the same interview, DeLonge claimed that the government has considered sharing proof of alien existence, but feared that people wouldn’t be able to wrap their heads around it, which to him, explains why there isn’t more mainstream evidence.

Extraterrestrials currently

DeLonge’s organization gained further credibility this year after three supposed UFO videos were made public by the Pentagon. These videos have been out since 2017 & 2018 but have since become widely recognized due to the Pentagon’s acknowledgement. 

This is a huge move by the Pentagon as DeLonge has mentioned, “I do know there have been moments when certain presidents have come close. The issue always becomes: how are people going to digest this if we hit them over the head with a giant sledgehammer? That’s scary for people in the Pentagon when they’re trying to keep civilization duct-taped together.”

In 2019, the U.S. Navy also backed up the claims by officially stating that the videos show footage of real “unknown” objects in American airspace. That statement alone caused an uproar on the internet when it was first released.

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