Museum of Sex: The kinkiest places to visit with your significant other
New York City and the surrounding boroughs have dozens of museums both locals & tourists can visit. The Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art are among the most popular museums in the city. However, there’s another popular museum garnering a ton of visitors each year: the Museum of Sex.
What exactly is this museum? Given the name, it may sound pretty straightforward, but there is a lot more to this museum than just the obvious. According to their website, their mission is to “preserve and present the history, evolution, and cultural significance of human sexuality”.
In addition to exhibitions, the Museum of Sex puts out publications & programs “that bring the best of current scholarship to the widest possible audiences and is committed to encouraging public enlightenment, discourse, and engagement”.
The Museum of Sex first opened in 2002 and has been a steadfast part of New York ever since. During that time, the museum has had more than thirty different exhibitions, along with six virtual installations that illuminate both the history of sex and current sexual trends, experiences, and discourse.
If you’re looking for a great place to take your significant other on a date, the Museum of Sex is an obvious choice as long as you’re eighteen or older. We’ve researched the museum’s current exhibitions and they’re even better than you can imagine.
Super Funland: Journey into the Erotic Carnival
The Super Funland exhibition is one of the most interesting exhibits to ever grace the Museum of Sex. The exhibit looks into carnivals and the surprising sexual history accompanying them.
According to the museum’s website, the exhibit invites “visitors to explore [carnivals’] bacchanalian origins in ancient Greece and Rome and its evolution in pre-industrial Europe and the ‘midway’ of the great World’s Fairs of the 20th century”.
The exhibit itself includes thirteen different “erotically-charged” games, a tunnel of love ride for visitors to enjoy, a kissing booth that’s able to measure the passion between the kisses, and a RuPaul fortune-telling machine.
Cam Life: An Introduction to Webcam Culture
Cam Life is an exhibit that many internet-users are sure to find interesting. The Museum of Sex website detailed the Cam Life exhibit “investigates the complex evolution of sexual desire in the age of the internet”. Whether you watch porn, sext your significant other, or perform on a webcam, sex on the internet plays a part in your life, making this exhibit personal.
While the Cam Life exhibit seems very now, it’s also a history podcast, delving into the beginnings of getting down on the internet. In addition to the history component, the exhibit displays works from six contemporary artists who “integrate the world of online camming and pornography into their practice.”
Interviews with those from the early days of the internet and artifacts that chronicle “the expansion of sexual expression on the internet” are also a part of the exhibit.
Cabinet of Curiosities: Selections from Secret Collections
What makes the Cabinet of Curiosities so interesting is that, like CAM, it’s very relatable. A survey from the sex toy retailor Lovehoney found that seventy percent of respondents living in America own a dildo. From dildos to latex body suits to a copy of Playboy in braille, the Cabinet of Curiosities is a collection of more than 15,000 titillating items from private, naughty collections.
BAD: Betty A. Dodson & the Liberation of Masturbation, A Tribute
The force behind BAD Betty A. Dodson had a mission when creating the exhibit. She wanted “to create an army of orgasmic women who will take control of the planet Earth: a sex-positive matriarchy that honors life, liberty, and all forms of organic/orgasmic-happiness defined by each individual”. That sounds like a very interesting concept!
The exhibit features a lot of great things, including erotic drawings & painting, videos, ephemera, and vintage photographs and are used to tell the story of Dodson “discovering her own sexuality and power in the 1950s to an adult repressing her desires.”
Unfortunately, Betty Dodson passed away last year after sixty years as a “radical sex educator and feminist icon”. Dodson’s memory will live on through her work for visitors to enjoy.