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Ryan Shakes stars in trailer for Nintendo’s brand-new switch game ‘Everybody 1-2-Switch’

The personality star, 21, stars in the new trailer for Everybody 1-2-Switch, the latest and greatest Nintendo Switch game sequel from the 1-2-Switch that everybody is going nuts about.

In the recent commercial, Ryan Shakes along with 16 other content creators from different parts of the world were invited to Tokyo, Japan for some hilarious multiplayer action in Everybody 1-2-Switch First Look Party!

The trailer is super hilarious, thanks to Ryan’s humorous competitive energy playing the games. With his irresistible ironic personality, Ryan Shakes’s persona is loved by many.

Nintendo also launched the official website for the game: click here to check it out and learn more about Everybody 1-2-Switch! has to offer. The Japanese official website was also launched, and it features some footage of the various Games.

Here’s the footage:

Will you be buying Everybody 1-2-Switch to have loads of fun? Comes out on June 30th 2023 worldwide.


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  • so crazy how internet personalities are getting like oppurtunities as celebrities

    July 2, 2023

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