P.I. dramedy ‘Republic of Doyle’: A cozy show to watch before bed
Need something fun to watch before bed or something fun to binge this weekend? Republic of Doyle is just what you’re looking for. This show ran from 2010 – 2014 and has six seasons with a total of seventy-eight episodes, so this should keep you busy for awhile.
This Canadian show takes place in Newfoundland and follows the story of Jake Doyle and his father who work as private investigators. The show is less crime procedural and more of a light-hearted good time. The show isn’t afraid to be a little ridiculous and wears the we-don’t-take-ourselves-seriously attitude very well. We wish there were more shows willing to be less serious.
The characters
The characters on Republic of Doyle are well rounded, and, according to native Newfoundlanders, the characters are accurate portrayals of the local citizens. Meaning they’re full of dry humor, wit, and irreverence.
The main character, Doyle, frequently ends up in difficult situations, which are usually of his own making.
Viewers also praise the relationship between Jake Doyle (Allan Hawco) and his father (Sean McGinley) for being loving, even despite their fights, and enjoyable to watch.
The plot
The plot has just enough mystery to call it one by genre, but that’s as far as it goes. It far prefers its comedy leanings with a touch of drama. Many people liken Republic of Doyle to other older shows such as Starsky and Hutch or Magnum P.I.
Jake Doyle, while dealing with his dad and solving cases, which only sometimes are related to murder, he’s also doing his best to figure out his romantic life – well okay, pretty much all of his personal life.
Viewers adore this show. It’s hard to find a review which isn’t positively glowing. People who aren’t from Newfoundland adore the sweeping landscapes, and those who are from there appreciate their little hunk of the world being showcased so well.
The humor and silliness keeps people coming back for more, whether it’s first time watchers bingewatching the show like crazy, or longtime fans re-watching. Fans do warn that if you want something serious like CSI or something realistic feeling, then don’t bother to watch the show.
The show is pure fun and meant to be entertaining. It succeeds at being both of these things.
How to watch
If this show is sounding like something you want to watch, and really, how could it not? Then you’re in luck because it’s available on pretty much all of the big streaming platforms. You can watch it on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and even iTunes.
So, what are you waiting for? Go grab a cup of tea, snuggle into a blanket, turn on the show, and prepare to have a lovely evening.