Coronavirus quarantine memes that come on like a personal attack
We’re all continuing our long trek to get through the coronavirus quarantine. It feels unending and it will probably be something that we’ll be doing on and off for, well, maybe years. While we all have a better understanding about those child nursery rhymes about the plague, the 21st century will be marked by our coronavirus memes during this time.
We’ve shared some of our favorites as we slowly go insane in our social distancing ways. Now we’re back with some brand new memes about the coronavirus for you all to check out. So here’s some of our newest favorites and hopefully, you get a chuckle from it.
Day 18 of lock down. Filled the dog with helium. pic.twitter.com/aiGEkhjwhI
— cluedont (@cluedont) April 8, 2020
1. Bored = dog helium
With all of us stuck inside these many weeks, we’re starting to do some really weird things to our pets. Luckily they seem pretty chill about it. Mostly.
A lot of you probably have coronavirus bc one symptom is having no taste
— Amish (@camillepawglia) March 26, 2020
2. COVID-19 burn
Snaps here because this burn is the fourth degree. Also educational too! One of the early symptoms of COVID-19 is a loss of taste or smell.
iconic zoom backgrounds: a thread
keep it going pic.twitter.com/GU54B97tiR
— Shell 🐝 (@BeeShellll) March 31, 2020
3. Zoom backgrounds: a flex
Who can make the best Zoom background? It’s a study in flex and also likes the new Games of Thrones or Highlander. There can be only one.
Wow. This is New York today where the city’s streets are empty and nature has returned for the first time since 65,000,000 BC.
The earth is healing, we are the virus. pic.twitter.com/UUQwgrtW7R— St Peter (@stpeteyontweety) April 5, 2020
4. Nature is Healing
It’s pretty cool to see the Venice canals full of clean water and those goats in Wales becoming the new town overlords. But it always leads to a “humans are the disease” mentality, which, well, isn’t not true, but also harsher than needed. So why not poke fun at it a little?
Wildlife finally returning to Thames. Nature is healing🌷 pic.twitter.com/d6uBxSaIAx
— ruby🦎 (@roobeekeane) March 29, 2020
5. Nature is Healing II: Duckie Boogaloo
Ah yes, we’ve heard the tale of the giant ducks of London. Nice to see that they have come home to roost, so to speak.
With everyone on lockdown nature is getting a chance to recover. The wildlife is finally returning to its natural habitat. Just look at Inverness, Scotland. The Earth is healing. We are the virus. pic.twitter.com/Wpulmo7DTw
— Conor (@lilpiri) March 31, 2020
6. Nature is Healing III: The Return of Nessie
Awwww! Nessie feels no reason to hide away in her Loch. Good for Nessie.
week two of quarantine and my boyfriend just told me he thought it would be interesting to put a go pro in the dishwasher “to see what goes on in there”
— Hettie O'Brien (@hettieveronica) April 2, 2020
7. We’re all probably having some kind of breakdown
Sure, a go-pro in the dishwasher is one of the odder ones. But not as odd as the new urge millions are feeling to give themselves bangs or trying to cross-stitch. Or the bread. Everyone’s wanting to bake that bread.
The only man who can defeat the Coronavirus pic.twitter.com/hkOXefzwv8
— The Office Memes (@OfficeMemes_) March 10, 2020
8. Dwight’s time to shine
Dwight Schrute would be living his best life right now, tbh.
Celebrities when people are d*ing all over the world pic.twitter.com/UN5VWEpWgH
— Matías (@maticaps) March 19, 2020
9. Us after watching “Imagine”
Maybe celebs should put their money where their mouth is like Lady Gaga and raise/donate money to help out during this time? Just. Sayin’.
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