5 Ways to Promote your YouTube Channel on Instagram
YouTube is one of the biggest platforms on the whole of the internet today. Billions of hours of videos are streamed by billions of users regularly. From entertainment to educational purposes, YouTube offers a huge range of content. It has also become a solid source of income for many.
There are many successful YouTubers who earn millions by uploading videos today. As a result, many users try their hands at it by creating a YouTube channel. Earning money from YouTube isn’t that easy, however.
First of all, you need a great fan following of yourself i.e. enough subscribers. That comes from exposure and you need to promote yourself for exposure. Don’t forget you can purchase YouTube views. There are many ways and platforms for doing so, but you can take help from another social media platform itself. We are talking about Instagram. For Instagram growth, it requires more engagement and there are few services for generating Instagram likes. Here you can read EarthWeb’s review of MoreLikes to know details about Instagram’s growth service.
Here is how you can effectively promote your YouTube channel on Instagram.
Use Your Instagram Bio
Most people do not pay attention to their Instagram bio and miss out on everything it can do. The bio is one of the very first things one sees upon visiting your account. It should be used for creating a lasting impression on anyone who comes across it.
It also offers benefits for promoting your YouTube channel. First of all, you can paste a link to your channel along with a little description of it. This will simply direct your Instagram audience to your channel. Secondly, you can also paste links to your various videos on it. You can choose your latest video or the one that you think is your best work.
Upload A Preview
Instagram can be used for giving your audience a little sneak peek of what is about to come. You can create a trailer or a montage of clips from the video. First of all, it will notify all your followers that new content is available on your channel.
Many subscribers opt to not get notifications from channels. Some don’t get any notifications at all even if they want to. The preview you post on Instagram will make sure they know when a new video is up on the channel and they don’t miss it. You can also post teasers to build up your audience’s interest in future projects.
Share Links Through Stories
One negative to using Instagram is that you can not make text posts on it. It means that you can not just post a link to your new video on it. Updating your bio for every new video with a new link can’t be plausible either.
Telling your followers to go to your bio, again and again, isn’t a good idea either. The best option here is to do so through your Instagram stories. Stories are a simple feature and all your followers get notified of them as well.
Paid Advertisement
Instagram provides an ads service that is available for all of its users. Using these ads makes your posts show up on the timelines of other users. They let you filter the exact type of target audience you want them to reach.
A better option than ads for YouTube channel promotion is to partner with an influencer. Influencers are internet figures who possess a fan following like that of a celebrity. They are getting more popular than ever and it wouldn’t be an overstatement to call them celebrities either.
In return for some amount of money, you can have an influencer promote your YouTube channel. It will redirect their own followers to you and help you gain more YouTube subscribers. It is better to choose an influencer that shares the same niche as your content.
Use Hashtags
Hashtags are an amazing feature of Instagram that anyone can use for free. Hashtags are keywords related to your content that you can include in your posts. Then your posts get displayed to whoever searches for those exact keywords. There are some YouTube-specific hashtags that you can include in your posts to boost their visibility.
Some of the best such hashtags are; youtube, youtuber, youtube videos. You can also use hashtags related to your genre i.e. youtube gaming, youtube vlogging, youtube makeup, etc.
What increases your chances of effective Instagram advertising is having more Instagram followers. There are many ways of that and doing so can help you gain YouTube subscribers more. If you do not want to waste your time, you can simply buy Instagram followers. Some of the best websites to buy followers from are ViewsExpert, Viralyft, GetViral.io and SocialPackages.net.
YouTube and Instagram have cemented their legacy as two of the biggest social media networks to ever exist. Both of them are host to billions of internet users which can be of great advantage to you. Instagram can make up for the lack of promotional scope on YouTube.
Instagram is a favorite of digital marketers because of how easy it is to promote your content on it. It has helped many businesses, startups, and it can certainly help your YouTube channel as well.