‘Pose’ season 1 recap: Where we left our heroes
Get ready, children – the ballroom is calling you. We’re delighted the second season of Pose will sashay into your bingewatch list over at FX on Tuesday, June 11th, 2019 at 9 pm. With such illustrious news, it’s only fair we spill the beans on where we left our faves at the end of S1. The ballroom is a complicated world of relationships and drama, so you’ll absolutely need a recap before S2 airs.
We’ve got to hand it to James van der Beck: while we don’t love his character – we’re not meant to – he really nailed the Patrick Bateman-esque investment banker in S1. After tattling on Stan to his wife Patty about Stan’s extracurricular activities, we last saw the two rivals mano a mano in Trump Tower. We can only imagine what vileness he’s going to get up to come S2.
At the beginning of Pose S1, we didn’t love Patty; she was a bit of a wet blanket. But with a story that’s so filled with female empowerment and emancipation, of course by the end of the season we realized her husband Stan was the real wet blanket and it was Patty that was the strength in their marriage.
We’ll never forget the heartbreaking scene in which Patty & Angel revealed their relationships with Stan, and the strength that both women gained from that interaction.
We last saw Patty telling Stan some harsh truths: she’s going back to school to get her master’s; he can totally move back into the house, but he shouldn’t think that he’s worming his way back into her bed; and in a few years when the kids understand the split better, he’ll be getting his marching orders when Patty is financially independent.
Patty also asked Stan to leave his job in Manhattan – which we’re betting he won’t go for. Get it, girl! We’re rooting for you.
Stan, oh Stan. What a disappointment you are for everyone in your life. Desperately needing a woman to help him get through life, he went and grovelled to wife Patty in “Pink Slip” – then to Angel in “Mother of the Year”.
We left Stan getting a strong dose of realness by Angel in the S1 finale, after he offered to “save her” with a ridiculously gauche bridge-and-tunnel fantasy (gag). Looking like the lost little boy we know he is, he went forth into the NYC night. Hopefully he’ll find his balls next season.
Damon’s boy babe Ricky, who has become as important a part of the Evangelista crew as Damon himself, was last seen embarking on tour with Al B as a backup dancer. Let’s hope Ricky & Damon’s love can survive the distance.
Damon is the petulant teen of the crew; while his pouting can be a little boring, it is realistic for a person at his age with such precocious talent. Seeing him being a baby about Blanca’s sage advice not to quit school for the first freelance gig that comes along (dancing backup for Al B), we couldn’t help but roll our eyes (and we knew he’d make the right decision).
Damon last told Blanca he had decided to turn down the gig after all, would do the long distance thang with Ricky, and would be going back to dance school for the next year. This kid has a great career ahead of him.
Lulu & Candy
The House of Ferocity got their asses handed to them by the House of Evangelista in the S1 finale. Come S2 these mean girls will likely be back to try and gain as many trophies as possible.
Who doesn’t love little Papito? Sure, we know he was lying to Blanca, but we agree that life is tough for folks without a middle school education. We spent a lot of time worrying about what might happen to Papi after he returned to a life of crime, and were even relieved when he joined the House of Ferocity for a hot second.
We knew Papi would flock back to mother Blanca before the end of S1. But who could have predicted Elektra Abundance of all people bringing baby Papi and mama Blanca back together again. We last saw him living his best life at the ball with his fam.
At the beginning of “Mother of the Year”, Elektra was in a bad place. Kicked to the curb by her sugar daddy Dick (played by the amazing Christopher Meloni who rocked our world in Happy!) for following her truth and undergoing transition surgery, she was broke, working as a private dancer, and auditioning for the role of Most Glamorous Hobo in NYC.
Throughout that finale episode Elektra developed more as a character than we’ve seen at any other point before. After she was saved by Blanca – who helped her get a legit job perfectly suited to her unique set of skills: “looking good” and bossing people around) – Elektra did the unthinkable and joined the House of Evangelista for one night only to help them sweep the board of trophies at the ball.
We left Elektra giving the victorious Blanca her “Mother of the Year” trophy, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
Angel is on a roll. She’s accepting herself, embracing her found family, and choosing her own path in life. She doesn’t need little boy Stan to come and save her – she’s doing a great job of looking after herself.
After Blanca admitted her HIV status to Angel in “Mother of the Year”, Angel knew she had to step up and work towards becoming a strong woman. We last saw her happier than in any other episode celebrating Blanca’s well deserved win of “Mother of the Year” at the final ball of the season.
Pray Tell
After the death of his beloved partner Costas in “Love is the Message”, Pray Tell had a mini-breakdown and descent into alcoholism – but with the help of the Evengelista, he pulled through and was in fine form by “Mother of the Year”.
Pray Tell was on top of the world: he’s dating a hottie, got his fam around him, and he looks as fabulous as ever (major hat tip to the styling team behind that look of pure, unadulterated fashion genius). After giving the MC performance of his life, we last saw him sharing a delicious Chinese feast with his found family.
Blanca is too pure for this world – we feel her love reaching us through our TV screens. She’s faced it all: homelessness, sex work, death, and ill-health, and still she goes through life with positivity & strength.
Back in the ballroom, it looked like it was curtains for Evangelista, with no chance to beat those nasty-ass bitches in House of Ferocity – until Elektra showed up and repaid the kindness Blanca had showed her.
After Evangelista’s victories at the ball, it came to the final category: “Mother of the Year”. Precisely no one was as surprised as Blanca to learn she’d been nominated, and then that she won. We last saw our Mother of the Year enjoying a generous meal with her found family in tow. Mama Blanca, we love you! Do you have any room for us in your House? We promise to do our dishes.