The thirstiest tweets on ‘Outlander’ Scottish stud Jamie Fraser
It is a truth universally acknowledged by fans and nonfans of Outlander alike. Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan) can get it. We’re more than happy to swoon over the accent, the chiseled good looks, that hair, the abs, and how the guy looks in period clothing.
With Outlander returned for its long-awaited fifth season, here are some of the peak thirst tweets about Jamie Fraser and how he can continually get it.
So get that spray bottle to cool yourselves down or pretend you’re in the Scottish Highlands, here we go.
Fans were more than ready for Droughtlander to end
Hiatus is hard for fans, especially for a series like Outlander which likes to take its time to get the seasons out. One fan, however, remembered that season five was premiering soon and had this to say.
Take it away @kris_tea_na, “holy SHIT i just realized that outlander s5 starts tomorrow night & all i can say is jamie fraser plz…..”
The Jamie Fraser fantasies were in full swing
Let’s start off with the simplest and truest statement that an Outlander fan can make, thanks to @lairpb23.
“Watching outlander and like Jamie Fraser can get it”
@GDisgracefully also had the most valid plan to watch the season five premiere of Outlander.
“Tonight’s plans: wine, Outlander and filthy thoughts about Jamie Fraser #outlander #meninkilts”
Apparently, @Lisa_Kokx had the dream fantasy of Outlander and Game of Thrones fans.
“Last night I had a dream in which I travelled through time and ended up having sex with both Jamie Fraser from Outlander and Petyr Baelish from Game of Thrones and I honestly don’t want to know what my brain will come up with tonight I am scared”
While @Outlander_Black knew exactly what to do with Jamie.
“Ooh real thoughts later but if Jamie Fraser walked in front of me looking like that, he wouldn’t have taken another step Lawd. ?????????? #outlander #Droughtlander over.”
Kilt! Kilt! Kilt!
For those who watched the premiere, they were more thrilled because Jamie was in a kilt again and all our dreams came true.
As @Mary_sol_GF swooned, “Jamie Fraser in kilt again! ??? #Outlander #OutlanderS5E1”
Even the Outlander twitter account knew what was what, “JAMIE FRASER, KING OF MEN AND OF KILTS, HAS RETURNED! ? #Outlander”
@Belizeanbaby85 was ready to be picked off of the floor, “My prayers have been answered and Jamie Fraser @SamHeughan is back in a kilt! ???? someone pick me up off this floor. I need oxygen #Outlander”
In conclusion
Outlander season five has returned and with it the thirst levels of those attracted to Sam Heughan and Jamie Fraser have risen exponentially.
@KellyCoon106 said, “Also Outlander bc I am addicted to Jamie Fraser’s muscl…ahem I mean…the stellar writing.”
It’s time to thirst once again!