Did this pedophile admit he killed JonBenét Ramsey?
Some beauty queens tragically became legends after they died, nay, after they were killed. The twisted murder of Elizabeth Short better known as Black Dhalia in the early twenties in Boston Massachusetts somehow became an atrocious archetype. But this time we’re talking about the bitter story of JonBenét Ramsey, an American child beauty queen who got killed at the age of six in her family’s house in 1996.
How can somebody, specifically a six-year-old child magically appear dead at her parent’s house in Boulder Colorado? This is the reason why this case has been so controversial and keeps being a topic with the passing of time. In fact, the crime is still unsolved and remains an open investigation by the Boulder Police Department. But what really happened?
As if the killing of an innocent girl wasn’t sad enough already, there are several aspects of this case that make it even harder to understand. A mysterious kidnapping note, unknown DNA in traits of sexual abuse in the child’s body, and an irregular crime scene are some codes of this case. Who killed JonBenet Ramsay? is no longer the only question, but who abused her? Was her father a pedophile?
The irregular killing of JonBenét Ramsey
On December 26, 1996, JonBenét’s mother Patsy called the authorities after she realized her daughter was missing. According to statements, Patsy found a handwritten two-and-a-half-page ransom note on the kitchen stairs that asked for $118,000 in order to get the girl back. On the other side John, JonBenet’s father found her body in the basement about seven hours after he was reported missing.
The girl’s body presented a skull fracture from a blow to the head and had been strangled. The autopsy report stated that JonBenét Ramsey’s official cause of death was “asphyxiation due to strangulation associated with head trauma”. Boulder police initially suspected that the ransom note had been written by Patsy. Also, all indicate that the appearance of JonBenét’s body was arranged by her parents.
It’s obvious that the family had something to do with this murder. JonBenet Ramsey’s autopsy indicated sexual abuse was something regular in the girl’s body, so one of the Ramseys was definitely a pedophile. Several investigations indicate the handwritten letter was made with materials that were already inside the house. But none of the locks were forced and a basement window had an intact spider web.
The Ramseys appeared in several televised interviews that left all spectators feeling that something is untrue. However, the most creepy one is Burke, Jonbenét’s brother, who got interviewed by Dr. Phil and never stopped smiling during the whole program. Yet, is hard to blame Burke as a pedophile & a murderer due to the fact that he was under ten when his sister got killed.
Was the murder teamwork?
Several conspiracy theories say either Burke or John killed JonBenét and as soon as Patsy realized tried to cover the murder by making it look like a kidnapping. Eventually, John & Patsy were also charged with hindering the prosecution of an unidentified person. Yet, the prosecutor determined that there was no evidence enough to bring forward a successful prosecution.
In 1998, police and the District Attorney said that JonBenét’s Burke, who was nine years old at the time of her death, was not a suspect. But what if he was? Burke has never shown empathic behavior towards his sister’s murder, nor fear of inhabiting a home where a supposed kidnapping had happened. Finally, the hit fit perfectly when he was asked to recreate the blow that caused contusion on a manikin.
From a really young age, she already had a big responsibility on her shoulders. Also, JonBenét had the attention of hundreds of people in the beauty pageants she attended under her mother’s desires. This could have made her brother Burke jealous and who knows what jealousy can make a psychopathic child.
Anyway, this case remains one of the saddest & mysterious ones in American history. Who does think is responsible for JonBenet’s murder? Tell us in the comments below!