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How much does Lizzo weigh? Go on the journey with her now

Controversy? What controversy? Well, if Lizzo’s recent Instagram antics are anything to go by, the Grammy-winning superstar seems unbothered by the storm brewing around her. But, what exactly is this tempest about? Just how much does Lizzo weigh and how much does that play into her brand at this stage in her career? Let’s take a look at the details!

Busting a Move to “Bongos”

On a sun-drenched Sunday, Lizzo took to Instagram to show off her twerking skills, dancing along to Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s hit “Bongos.” Dressed in a blue floral bikini, the singer-songwriter seemed carefree. However, for many, the timing was…questionable.

Why the fuss? Well, it’s been a month since three of her former backup dancers – Crystal Williams, Arianna Davis, and Noelle Rodriguez – made headlines by filing a lawsuit against the “Truth Hurts” sensation. The claims? Alleged weight-shaming and inappropriate sexual behavior. 

And while some fans called for more dances and fewer dramas, others weren’t too pleased. Comments ranged from expressions of disappointment to fans bidding adieu to their favorite artist.

But Lizzo isn’t keeping silent. In early August, she addressed the accusations, labeling them as “outrageous” and emphasized her commitment to maintaining a respectful work environment. But with the glittering world of showbiz, the line between fact and fiction can sometimes blur, and Lizzo’s recent upbeat post has only fueled further speculation.

From Backup Dancers to Plaintiffs

The dancers’ allegations paint a picture quite different from the body-positive, empowering artist we’ve come to know. Tales of nights in Amsterdam’s red light district, and accusations of pressured participation in lurid acts have taken center stage. The lawsuit even claims that Lizzo’s dance captain, Shirlene Quigley, is also complicit in creating a hostile work environment.

Like any high-profile situation, opinions are divided. While some await an apology, others rally behind Lizzo, urging critics to let her live her life. The world of social media is polarized, and amidst the sea of comments, one thing’s clear: Lizzo remains a force to reckon with, both in music and drama.

The Next Steps…

So, where does this leave the “Good as Hell” singer? While the legal proceedings continue, Lizzo seems to be living life on her terms. But as more details emerge and opinions divide, one question remains: How will this chapter affect Lizzo’s legacy in the world of music and pop culture? Only time will tell. And as we watch this tale unfold, we’re left wondering: In the court of public opinion, will Lizzo come out on top?

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