Cats definitely own us: All these funny memes make it clear
If you have a cat, you might be thinking: “Wow, my cat does whatever it wants.” Cats only do things if it’s their idea, but for some reason we’ll do whatever our cats want. They just look at us with their big eyes and we bend to their will. It’s like they have jedi mind tricks! Do they know their power? What is going on inside their furry little heads?
We know one thing for sure: it’s a cat’s world and we’re all living in it. We may think we own our cats, but we don’t. Soon they’ll be our overlords, demanding treats and pets all day long, and we’ll all get some cat tattoos in honor of our feline masters. These memes say it all.
Don’t cheat on your cat – they’ll know!
Even though we reserve most of our love for our own kitties, all cats are irresistible. But be careful – if you pet another cat, yours will find out! Cats have superior senses to our own.
Your bed is your cat’s domain
You may think that you own your own bed, but you don’t. Better give it up now – if cats own us then they own our property too. Clearly cats have more uses for it than we do anyways. We’ll be sleeping on the floor soon.
You have no authority over me
Did your cat knock something over again? Think it’s time to show your cat some discipline? Don’t even try it. They strike back, and they look pretty adorable doing it too.
Silly kitty – you already have fuzzy slippers
Did you buy something new for yourself? Wrong, you bought something new for your cats, and you better make sure it’s the perfect fit for them.
Human memes on the kitty web
Cats are idolized on the internet – I mean, we’re looking at them right now! But maybe we’re the funny subject on their internet. We may think they’re adorable & funny, but face it – cats probably think our stupidity is hilarious too.
Accept this generous offering!
Have you ever gotten your cat a toy that they completely ignore? Well cats probably don’t understand why we don’t like their gifts either. They go through all the trouble of catching their prey and then they proudly present it to us. It’s disgusting but it’s important to say “thank you.”
Pets for days
Cats are entitled to all the free pets they desire. We’re slaves to their grooming demands. If we stop even for a moment they look at us like they’re saying, “How dare you stop petting me?”
Evidence: cats will soon demand our first born child
No wonder we’re hopelessly bound to our cats – they claim ownership of us when we’re young. We’ve been in servitude to them our whole lives. They’re ready to take a hold of the next generation now too.
Watch where you’re walking, bud!
Don’t you know? Cats have the right to lie wherever they like whenever they like. Make way, feeble humans!
Duh, FURnature was made for shedding purposes
This cat makes a valid point. We set ourselves up for that one. Hope no one is allergic – the fur is there to stay.
🙃🙃 funny memes
November 1, 2020i love monkeys 01
yea they are👻👻
November 1, 2020CoolCat555
November 28, 2020The cookie thief
December 21, 2020👁️👄👁️
IT WAS A GIFT🤣I’m crying😭
May 19, 2021MEMES FOR LIFE
The memes are funny as heck. Especially the one with the cat looking at memes on the internet.
May 27, 2021MEMES FOR LIFE
Y’know what? I think since cats have seen our stupidity on FailArmy and on YouTube, i think they are aware of their own stupidity, but not aware of human’s smarts.
May 27, 2021cally
June 17, 2021Lori Whitehead
the best meme i saw was a cat sitting down and on top it says ‘sit down we have to talk.” and then underneath says “where are my testicles?” i laughed so hard cause all my cats i owned over the years were all males which were fixed or whatever it is called
August 23, 2023