When Disney World resorts reopen, don’t be this kind of person
Disney World resorts and other Disney properties have all been shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic. They’ve been shut down for months now, however, Disney World is tentatively beginning to reopen. If you don’t want to wait, you can check out the best resorts in Bangalore.
Starting yesterday a few shops in the Disney Springs area will be opening – this area is technically outside of the parks, but part of the Disney World resorts as a whole. In a few more days Disney hopes to open the rest of the shops and even restaurants.
Disney World resorts are promising increased health and safety measures, but also want to make it clear attending any public place is a risk, and this risk falls on visitors, not Disney. However, we all know there have been some less than cooperative citizens when it comes to social distancing and mask-wearing, and it seems inevitable some show up at a Disney park.
So from the bottoms of our hearts, we beg you, don’t be like the people on this list when you go to Disney. Make Mickey Mouse proud by adhering to Disney’s new health policies.
Open-air mask
A woman walked into a convenience store with a giant gaping hole in her mask because masks “make it harder to breathe”. The clerk even asked her about it and she seemed oblivious to the fact the hole made her mask entirely useless. Don’t do this. How badly would you feel if you put Sleeping Beauty back to sleep?
Open spaces don’t mean safe spaces
Remember those spring breakers who flocked to the beaches because they were open and they wanted to have fun? Just because a public place is open doesn’t mean you’re somehow magically safe there, it’s still important to keep your distance from others who may be carriers.
An attempt was made
This picture of a Ukrainian deputy wearing a homemade mask genuinely seems like a well-intentioned error, so this is a PSA: if your mask has holes, it is useless. She obviously went to a decent amount of effort to make her cute crocheted face mask, but her fashion statement sadly leaves herself and those around her at risk.
We’re not even sure this is COVID related
Disney Springs was open for a whole day and already the weird is out in force. This family was grilling hot dogs on an open flame in the middle of a public walkway. Where did they even get this stuff? Was this something they planned in advance? Also, wear your freaking masks!
Don’t bring your protests to Disney either. Yes, they will be taking health precautions, and if that somehow offends you just don’t go. Although, if you are going to protest – please do make sure you make hilariously difficult to read signs like the one above.