Currently Crowdfunding: ‘Stans’ season two
Stans is our new obsession this week. It’s a webseries about three internet friends who discuss pop culture and talk about their personal lives. The series focuses on mental health, sexuality, and friendship. Stans shows that human connection can happen and be beautiful, even when y’all miles away from each other.
We love that Stans is true to its mission of inclusivity. The show has a diverse cast and is being directed, produced, and written by a queer POC team. The team behind Stans believes that “The increase in the diversity and inclusion of stories on screen is because of the diversity behind the screen. Always.”
Stans centers around stan culture and how it impacts a person’s world. Set in the modern day, we see how pop music stans navigate the internet and interactions with others. As the characters develop a stronger bond with each other, their worlds collide faster than they expect. Stans is currently crowdfunding to make S2 of the show. Here’s what the producers have to say:
“We’re aiming to get funding for season two of the webseries. We’ll follow character Jake as he goes from a passive nobody to a confident stan. Standing up against Sunny, Tiyon, his girlfriend, ‘pen pal’ – even his high school bully. All he needs is a little courage, and maybe some Selena Gomez playing in the background.”
Coral Rucker is the creator of Stans, a screenwriter from Waterloo, Iowa now living in Los Angeles pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. Stans came about when Coral was “living in Los Angeles . . . itching to write! Amongst the culture shock and homesickness, I was experiencing extreme writer’s block. So, I forced myself to write a script. I showed my work to a fellow friend and he said to me, ‘It’s good but it’s not you – being a stan is.’”
Stans S1 has been available from 2018. Now the team is back and asking for your help to keep these stories on screen – this time with better locations, higher production values, and longer episodes.
Pledge now and help get this important show about the relationships we make come back to our screens.