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Moving? Here Are a Few Ways to Make Things Easier

People have to move for any number of reasons. It could be for a job opportunity, or perhaps a close family member needs you by their side. It could be just a fun adventure that you want to try for and see where it takes you, or it could be for an infinite number of other reasons. No matter why you’re in the moving process, though, you’re probably wondering to yourself, “how am I going to sell my home?” Afterall, selling your home is typically a main component in buying a new home and making the move. Whether it’s down the block, across the state, across the country, or even across the ocean. 

Most consumers need the money from their current home-sale in order to fund the purchase of the new house. Even if you own all or the majority of the equity in the house, there are still quite a few loops and hoops you’ll have to jump through. Have no fear, though, following information and advice will make your home-selling process much smoother sailing. 

Make a Plan for Yourself

Most of the time, moving isn’t a spontaneous thing. As such, you should take every opportunity you can to plan and prepare for the move. Making sure you have all of your documents in order, you’re aware of how much equity you own in the home, and having other pieces of important information readily available is crucial to a smooth home-selling process. 

The longer you’re able to plan for your move, the more of the details you’ll be able to iron out. While no plan is perfect or without an obstacle, the further in advance you’re able to start strategizing your move, the more potential obstacles you should be able to foresee. This will only help you in giving you ideas for contingency plans. Not only that, but if you’re able to plan your move well in advance, you may be able to align it with owning the entire equity of your current property. 

This way, when it does come time to sell, you won’t be missing out on a major portion of the profit assuming that your property has risen in value since the time you initially purchased. 

Try to Predict Challenges and Obstacles

As mentioned above, no plan is going to go off perfectly. You can be as detailed and prepared as you want, but you will almost always run into one little speed bump here or there. That’s okay, though, especially if you have taken the time to prepare. If you’re able to successfully identify challenges and obstacles you may face along the way, you can prepare yourself with information and knowledge that could help you solve issues as they arise. 

For example, you could spend some time researching and reading stories about recent homesales in your neighborhood or nearby neighborhoods. Read about the struggles, challenges, and woes that different home-sellers have gone through, and how they eventually solved the issue. 

This will give you some ideas of how to proceed if faced with a similar set of obstacles, challenges, or issues during your selling journey. 

Enlisting Friends and Family

When it’s time to get the actual move underway, there is still a ton of work left to be done. From packing up the old house, to trucking everything into the new space, to forwarding mailing addresses, and making sure both places undergo a thorough cleaning before move-out/move-in. 

As far as packing and moving boxes from one space to the other goes, you can always enlist a handful of close family members and friends to help with the process. If you really need to bribe them, offer them free beer and pizza for their help. This way, you can haul most of the smaller boxes to your new home and only utilize real hired help for whatever’s leftover. 

Renting a Truck or Hiring Movers

After you, your friends, and your family have gotten as much moved into the new place as possible, it’s time to rent some movers, and possibly a truck. Of course, you can also leave everything to full moving services to handle the move for you. This is the best way to get bulky items like living room furniture, and home-office-equipment from your old home to the new home.

Not to mention, having the help of a truck and some movers means a lot less physical labor for you, your family, and your friends. 

A few Final Thoughts

There are many different ways you can sell your home. From enlisting the help of a realtor, to selling-by-owner, or even taking a hot-cash-now-offer. There are also modern day tools that help regular homeowners sell their house themselves while saving huge money on sales-commissions. 

No matter how or why you’re moving, the tips above should help make a smooth transition from the old home to the new one. 

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