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TikTok loves to make the creepiest things famous. See the true horror of indoor balconies in this newly famous TikTok.

Why did this creepy apartment become TikTok famous?

Sure, TikTok is the app that has brought us Lil Nas X, dancing challenges, and more, but it also thrives on making creepy things famous. Seriously, Horror Tok is real and it’s ready to make sure you don’t sleep for a month, folks. So, naturally, whenever TikTok decides to make the next majorly creepy thing famous, everyone is curious to see exactly what it is.

So, what sort of depravity will curse our eyeballs with its existence? Because, well, it is October, the month of Halloween. (We should just change the name of the month to Halloween, just saying.) Naturally, TikTok is ready to spook us all and show us some very cursed images. Oh boy, this newest creepy thing that we all just all had to see is . . . well . . . it sure is something.

What’s going to haunt your nightmares tonight? Why does this thing exist? What do we know about it? Here’s everything we know about this famous creepy TikTok that’s making everyone ask a very confused, “Why?”


??? just so weird #scary #fyp #viral #abandoned #virginiatech

♬ Amityville Horror – Scary Halloween Sound Effects – Halloween Sound Effects


Indoor balconies

The latest cursed TikTok that is sweeping the nation has less to do with ghosts & demons and more to do with, uh, McMansion Hell. Is McMansion Hell still popular? We hope they are. That blog is wild, friends. Anyway! Rachel, who goes by the username Ray.of_sunshine, posted the above video while she was staying with a friend at Virginia Tech.

Said building that she was staying at, however, had a truly cursed indoor feature: balconies. Yes. You read that right. Picture it. You’re walking down a hall and there are just . . . inside balconies, vibing. Like they aren’t an affront to the natural order of the world and the basic sense of decency that we all have. No wonder people are freaked out by the sight. This is scarier than most horror movies.

The video has been up since July 18, but has gained a lot of traction recently, sitting at 3.6 million views from horrified and fascinated people over on TikTok. Not helping matters is Rachel’s choice of music and added text, “This is the WEIRDEST apartment complex I’ve ever seen.” Fair, but did you have to add the creepy music, Rachel? Did you need to do us all dirty like that?

But why?

Oh, you’re going to love the explanation that our girl Rachel was able to dig up why such a cursed thing was built in the first place. According to another TikTok, posted a couple days later, she said that the reason for the indoor balconies was a way to comply with the fire code? She said, “some rooms literally don’t have windows and apparently that doesn’t meet fire code.”

Rachel added, “If they have a balcony then it’s fine because then if there’s a fire then they can jump from the balcony. Hence weird creepy a** balcony.” To which we say, but the fire is usually inside. You know what happened to Frollo at the end of The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Yeah, picture that but with college students jumping off their indoor balcony. 

Basically, take this famous TikTok as a lesson, people. If you see weird building designs, then chances are your building is not up to code and is doing a weird work around for it. Don’t sign the lease and run in the opposite direction. Just book it away screaming from the indoor balconies. Or, well, go vibe with them. It’s your life. 

What do you think about this famous TikTok? Would you live with the weird indoor balconies? Or do you prefer them on the outside of the building where they belong? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below! 

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