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How to Achieve a Natural Yet Done-Up Makeup Look

A natural makeup look does not look like you’re wearing any makeup at all. This can be achieved by using nude shades and subtle tones that mimic your skin’s natural color. This is a primary reason that the “no makeup” makeup look is trending. However, that doesn’t mean you have to forego your usual beauty routine. You can still get your done-up look while keeping it natural.

Setting Your Natural Look

First, start with a clean slate. Be sure to wash your face and apply moisturizer before starting your makeup routine. This will help create a smooth canvas for your makeup and also prevent your skin from becoming dry throughout the day.

Next, it’s time to start applying your makeup. For a natural yet done-up look, focus on even coverage rather than layering on the product. A good foundation or BB cream will even out your skin tone without looking cakey. Once you’ve applied your base, move on to concealer. Use a concealer that is one or two shades lighter than your skin tone to brighten up under the eye area. Then, set your concealer with loose powder to prevent creasing or smudging.

For the eyes, keep it simple with neutral shades that complement your skin tone. Apply a light eyeshadow all over the lid and then use a slightly darker shade in the crease of the eye for definition. Finish off with mascara on both the top and bottom lashes. Also, consider adding natural lash extensions for an extra bit of length and fullness.

For lips, you can either go nude or use a pop of color that is still natural-looking. If you opt for color, make sure to line and fill in your lips first so that the color doesn’t bleed throughout the day. And there you have it. A natural yet done-up makeup look that will have you looking ready all day long.

Other Beauty Trends to Know

While the natural makeup look is always in style, there are other beauty trends to be aware of as well. These are:


Another trend that has been gaining popularity is contouring. This technique involves using bronzer and highlighter to accentuate certain features of the face. When done correctly, contouring can give you a sculpted and chiseled look.

However, it’s important not to overdo it, as too much contouring can make you look like you’re wearing a ton of makeup. If you’re new to contouring, start with a light hand and build up the product gradually until you achieve your desired look.


Bronzer is not just for contouring. It can also be used all over the face as a way to add a healthy and sun-kissed glow. When shopping for bronzer, look for a shade that matches your skin tone. If you have fair skin, go for a bronzer with a peachy or pink undertone. Those with medium or olive skin should look for a bronzer with a golden undertone. And those with dark skin should choose a bronzer with a chocolate or espresso undertone.


Like bronzer, highlighter can also be used all over the face. To highlight your face, apply the highlighter to the top of your cheekbones, down the center of your nose, and on the cupid’s bow above your lips. You can also use this highlighter on your décolletage if you’re wearing a low-cut dress or top.

When shopping for a highlighter, look for a shade that matches your skin tone. If you have fair skin, go for a highlighter with a pink or pearl undertone. Those with medium or olive skin should look for a highlighter with a golden undertone. And those with dark skin should choose a highlighter with an amber or copper undertone.

Lip Scrubs and Skincare Trends

Lip scrubs are a must for achieving smooth, hydrated lips. This essential beauty product gently exfoliates the lips to remove dead skin cells and dry patches. As a result, your lipstick will go on smoother and your lips will look plumper and healthier. To use a lip scrub, simply apply it to your lips in circular motions and then rinse it off with water. You can find lip scrubs that are already made or you can make your own at home using sugar and olive oil.

Plus, don’t forget about skincare. Achieving and maintaining clear, glowing skin is essential to nailing any beauty look. Be sure to cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize your face daily. This includes your neck and chest area as well. Getting regular facials and using at-home skin care devices can also help to improve the overall appearance of your skin.


There you have it. These are just a few of the latest beauty trends to know about. By keeping up with these trends, you can ensure that your makeup always looks fresh and modern. Now that you know all about the natural makeup look and other popular beauty trends, it’s time to put them into practice. Grab your makeup bag and get started today.


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