How to Decorate Your E-bike For Christmas
It has become a worldwide tradition of making Christmas about family, love, romance, and food. These are great reasons to celebrate Christmas. However, they don’t have to be the only reasons.
People should have the option of resting during this festive season; others who want to should also be allowed to polish and change their pedals. Reasons for doing so can range from riding kids on your electric bike for the fun of it or going on a ride with friends. It doesn’t matter; what matters is how you can polish and enhance your E-bike to look great for Christmas if you are a rider.
It’s great fun when riders decorate their bikes with extra Christmas lights when they go out riding during the festive season. It is not just for decorative purposes; it is also essential in avoiding casualties that could lead to accidents. With a well-decorated electric moped bike, riders would be seen from far even when riding late at night.
Many riders have struggled with the process of bike decorating during these periods. Almost everyone wants to make their E-bike look like Santa Claus took a ride on it, and they can, with the proper guidance. This article will detail specific steps to decorate your electronic bike for Christmas. The best part about this is that anyone can do it single-handedly.
Ways to Decorate Your E-bike for Christmas
Candy stripe bar tape
This is exciting and relatively easy. Head on to the store and purchase some colorful tapes to use for this process.
Battery Powered Fairy Lights
Who doesn’t like a little more color in the season of colors? Putting these colors on your bike makes it very beautiful as well as visible. Purchasing this is highly recommended in your journey of transforming your regular plain E-bike into a Christmas-ordained bike.
Special Reflectors
You can also place special reflectors on the front and rear tires. These reflectors come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, and they can be found at superstores. However, the best specialty reflectors can be found online or at a highly E-bike dedicated shop.
For lovers of pink, there is the option of purchasing pink heart-shaped reflectors.
There is also a blinking reflector for utilitarians, and this can also make them seen from far.
The option of sticking on blinking light is excellent, as it makes the E-bike unique and very visible. They can also be purchased online. However, most times, they are likely to be found at parades and street events.
For people that are sensitive to strobe lights, note that blinking lights are pretty hazardous as they sometimes trigger headaches and even seizures.
LED String Lights
Riders should use LED string lights to decorate their bikes, as they are one of the best decorations one can have on a cargo bike. Their lights are easy to customize and vary in all ways.
These lights can be found in most stores, or you could purchase them online.
These Led lights should be placed at the spokes of your wheels or along with your bike’s frame using zip ties.
Stocking Fillers for Cyclists
This is also very beautiful; however, riders should be careful not to get any wire stuck where it shouldn’t be, as this can result in unfriendly scenarios.
Spoke accessories
These are considered when decorating an E-bike for Christmas. And it is something everyone loves.
Add Rudolph
A lot of people have claimed that Handlebar Hero’s are mainly for kids, sure, ok. How about Rudolphs, then? They are so adorable; imagine them on your bike as you ride out this Christmas.
Cardboard Candy Canes
Adding cardboard candy canes to your bike is a great way to get into the festive spirit, and they make your E-bike sound like a jet engine. Haven’t you tried out one yet? We highly recommend you do. You would enjoy the feeling it brings and would never regret the money spent on a purchase.
Christmas tunes
These are also great alternatives for riders who don’t want to ruin their electronic bike by applying Xmas tat layers.
Portable Music Devices
In everything, music prevails. What’s a great Christmas E-bike without a music device to blast Christmas songs to onlookers? Get the bicycle speaker and give your bike a spin. It would be a moment you will never forget.
Christmas Stickers
Ensure only to apply outdoor Christmas stickers to your E-bike, as they are great ways to modify your bike. They vary in color, shape, and size.
It is advisable not to use regular stickers because the dirt and moisture on the road can destroy them before getting to your destination. However, when positioning your sticker, first mark with a pencil to ensure it is set precisely.
These stickers can be found online from Amazon and other bike specialty stores.
Always Paint Your Bike
Paint the bike frame; this is essential. Painting your bike’s edge is a simple way to decorate and personalize your bike to fit whatever needs you might have. Also, painting your bike’s frame ensures the rusted part of an old E-bike is beautifully and adequately covered.
Some colors to go with can be vintage or mute colors like mint, seafoam, and teal.
However, when choosing paint for your E-bike, ensure the paint is only intended for outdoor activities.
You can also add a pop of color by painting the bell. Move further by applying paint to your wheel spokes. Painting the wheel spokes makes any E-bike unique, plus when turning, it creates a rainbow effect, which is a sight worth seeing.
Furthermore, don’t forget to paint your bike tire. Eventually, the paint would wear off, but by then, Christmas would be over.
Imagine how fun it would be when you go out for a Santa ride on your newly decorated E-bike, joining a thousand others in their Santa costumes and well-decorated bikes. Designing your electronic bike for the Christmas season can never be overrated. Spread cheer this season.