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Blue Oasis And Business Management Dubai: FAQs Simplified

Business management in Dubai is a thriving endeavor, with countless opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. In this vibrant economic hub, Blue Oasis has established itself as a prominent player in the field. If you’re seeking information about Blue Oasis and Business Management Dubai, you’ve found the appropriate source. This article’s goal is to deliver uncomplicated solutions to common queries.

 What Services Does Blue Oasis Offer?

Blue Oasis presents a variety of services meticulously crafted to align with the individual needs of businesses. Several of the services they provide encompass:

  • Company Formation:

They assist in setting up businesses, whether it’s a sole proprietorship, LLC, or a free zone company. They streamline the process, ensuring all legal requirements are met.

  • PRO Services:

Their Public Relations services help businesses with government transactions, visa processing, and document clearance.

  • Local Sponsorship:

They can arrange local sponsors for your business, enabling you to operate in the UAE.

  • Accounting and Taxation:

They provide accounting, bookkeeping, and tax advisory services to keep your financials in order.

  • Business Consultancy:

When it comes to market entry strategies, business planning, and feasibility studies, Blue Oasis is your trusted source for expert consultation.

What Is The Role Of A Local Sponsor In Dubai Business Setup?

A local sponsor is a UAE national who is legally required to have a stake in certain types of businesses. They are typically a silent partner who doesn’t interfere in the daily operations of the company. Their role is to facilitate the legal process and provide their sponsorship, enabling you to conduct business in Dubai.

What Are The Different Business Structures Available In Dubai?

Dubai offers several business structures, including:

  • Free Zone Company: Ideal for foreign investors, as it provides full ownership and tax benefits.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): Requires a local Emirati sponsor, with shared ownership between the sponsor and foreign investors.
  • Branch of a Foreign Company: Allows foreign companies to open a branch in Dubai, subject to certain regulations.
  • Sole Proprietorship: An option for sole business owners, but they require a local service agent.

·       Are There Any Restrictions On Foreign Ownership In Dubai?

While Dubai has made significant progress in reducing restrictions on foreign ownership, it’s essential to understand the specific rules and regulations that may apply to your chosen business activity. In most free zones, foreign investors can enjoy 100% ownership of their businesses.

·       How Long Does It Take To Set Up A Business In Dubai With The Help Of Blue Oasis?

The time needed for business establishment in Dubai can vary, contingent on the business category, the comprehensiveness of documentation, and adherence to regulatory steps.

·       What Are The Costs Involved In Setting Up A Business In Dubai?

The financial investment needed to commence a business in Dubai may vary, with primary influencers being the business structure, location, and type of activity. These expenses may consist of government fees, license fees, visa fees, office rental, and if preferred, consulting fees when collaborating with a business management consultancy such as Blue Oasis.

·       Can Blue Oasis Assist With Ongoing Business Operations?

Yes, Blue Oasis can continue to support your business even after the initial setup. They offer services such as accounting, taxation, PRO services, and business consultancy to help you navigate the complexities of operating in Dubai effectively.


Concluding Lines

Dubai’s business landscape is teeming with possibilities. With the guidance of specialists like, you can streamline the process of establishing and managing your business. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or new to Dubai’s business scene, their services make your journey smoother.

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