Year without a Santa Claus? What experts say about Santa and COVID
Santa Claus is coming to town – or is he? As December nears and people start considering putting up Christmas trees and stockings all those Santa Claus true-believers may start panicking about whether or not their favorite jolly man in red will be making the rounds this year like he usually does.
With COVID-19 numbers sounding scarily high everyone on Santa’s list is probably wondering if the travel bans apply to Saint Nick and his reindeers too.
Luckily, we’ve heard from the experts and we can answer all these questions and a few more for those worried about the pandemic spreading to the North Pole. Here’s what you need to know.
Santa is immune
Obviously, it takes a little bit of magic and faith to get presents to all the girls and boys across the world in a single evening, and Santa Claus has both of these things in abundance. On top of this, Mr. Claus is also immune to COVID-19 – among many other things. Santa has been making his yearly trip around the world for centuries, which means this isn’t the first pandemic he’s seen.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has become one of the leading names in combating the COVID-19 pandemic has said, “Santa is exempt from this because Santa, of all the good qualities, has a lot of good innate immunity.”
So, with a bolstered immune system from living through multiple pandemics, plagues, and other nasty illnesses, on top of his natural magical qualities, Santa Claus is set to make his chimney hopping trip just like any other year. Mrs. Claus and all the elves also possess the same magical immunities that Santa has, so there’s no need to worry about them either.
Mall visits
Santa has been making his mall visits in some places around the world too, like usual, and while he is practicing social distancing in these places it’s more about keeping everyone else safe.
Santa Claus wants to be a good role model for everyone, and that means wearing a mask and maintaining social distancing guidelines so that everyone can see how important these things are. Santa would also hate for anyone to get sick because he accidentally became a carrier.
This year it’s best to wave to Saint Nick from at least six feet away and mail him a letter with your wishlist inside. You may not be able to sit on Santa’s lap this year, but he’s still going to stop by your home and drop off a present or two.
NORAD tracking
The North American Aerospace Defense Command, more often called NORAD, will also be tracking Santa’s Christmas Eve trip around the world just like they do every year. The Santa Tracker will be live on NORAD’s website as well as available for download on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
NORAD has plenty of experience tracking Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve – they’ve been doing it for sixty-five years so far, and this year will be no different. Kids everywhere can keep an eye on where in the world Santa is and hop into bed before he makes it to their area.
Santa Claus is coming to town, and all his true-believers need not worry about his health. He’s dedicated to spreading joy to everyone, no matter what – especially in strange and stressful years such as 2020. So leave a couple of cookies out for Mr. Claus as a thank you, because he’s working extra hard this year.
In the meantime, maybe watch your favorite Santa themed Christmas movie to get into the holiday spirit.