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Organic Formula: When Is a Formula Indicated?

The formula is artificial milk indicated for newborn babies when the mother cannot breastfeed. It is enriched with important nutrients and vitamins for your baby’s growth and development. With this, some doubts may arise about when the formula is indicated.

Many different brands of formula are available on the market, so parents need to research and choose the best option for their baby. This article will address all the most common doubts between moms and dads and point you to an organic baby shop where you can get organic formula.

Is Formula the Same As Breast Milk?

Doctors and nutritionists agree that formula is the second best food for a baby, second only to breast milk. It is similar to breast milk in many ways and provides the baby with the nutrients needed for growth and development. However, there are some differences between formula and breast milk.


The main difference between formula and breast milk is that formula is an artificial drink, usually using cow’s, goat’s, or soy milk as a base. The industry that manufactures the formula makes some modifications, removing some nutrients that are not necessary or that are left over and adding others that are missing for the baby so that the organic formula is as similar as possible to breast milk. Still, it is not possible to put everything in breast milk in the formula.

When To Give Infant Formula to Baby?

The formula is often used on specific occasions in case the mother is unable to breastfeed the baby. It is usually inserted into the feed when:

  • The mother is not producing enough milk or none at all;
  • The baby has a health problem that makes it impossible for him to be breastfed with breast milk;
  • The mother is undergoing some treatment with medications in general that can pass into breast milk, such as chemotherapy or strong medications for tuberculosis;
  • The mother is an illicit drug user, thus unable to breastfeed;
  • If the mother has a disease that has a large active viral load, it is recommended that she stop breastfeeding until the problem is resolved;
  • If the baby has any intolerance to any protein contained in breast milk;
  • If the baby has galactosemia, a metabolic disease that prevents it from digesting galactose, it is necessary to choose a soy-based formula.

What Types of Formulas Are There?

We know the concern when your baby cannot receive breast milk is immense, even more so if it is due to a health problem. Numerous infant formulas are on the market, thus serving different types of cases; check-out:

For Premature

Babies born prematurely have different nutritional needs than those born at the right time, needing a different reinforcement at feeding time. Because they are more fragile and often have a more sensitive digestive system, it is necessary to use a special formula that will supply and help in the development and weight gain. 


During this period, the doctor will tell you when to start with the formula for premature infants, like the Holle formula pre to regulate weight gain and offer nutrients according to the baby’s stage.

Phase 1

It is indicated as the first formula to be offered such as Holle Goat Dutch 1 until your baby is 6 months old if he does not present any fragility, allergy risks, metabolic diseases, or intestinal alterations.


There are numerous brands on the market that offer very similar formulas, all with their own particularities. The so-called starting formula is based mainly on lactose and carbohydrates grown from sucrose, maltodextrin, and starch. It also has a higher micronutrient content.


You must choose the formula according to the needs and age of the baby; as he grows and gains weight, his needs change and increase. Up to 6 months of age, it is important to use the formula at the beginning to meet their dietary needs and maintain healthy development.

Level 2

After 6 months of life, it is necessary to change the formula, transitioning to phase 2, which will help your baby’s new growth stage and meet the new food needs. Its biggest feature compared to the others is the high iron content.

Lactose-free formulas

This formula is the most suitable if your baby happens to be lactose intolerant, making it impossible to feed with common formulas. This restriction can end up causing persistent crying, discomfort, abdominal distension, and a lot of pain. These cases tend to happen because of the baby’s gastrointestinal immaturity.

HA or Hypoallergenic Formulas

Hypoallergenic formulas contain hydrolyzed proteins, meaning they have been partially digested. This can help reduce the risk of an allergic reaction to milk proteins if you run in your family, as they are not as “aggressive” on the digestive system. 


However, it is important to remember that hypoallergenic formulas are not free of milk protein and, therefore, may still cause allergies in some babies. Also, hypoallergenic formulas tend to be more expensive and can be harder to digest, which can lead to colic and gas.

Soy-based formulas

The soy-based formula is a good option for babies older than 6 months who are lactose intolerant or for vegan families. Soy is a leguminous plant rich in protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients for the baby’s growth and development.


But remember that it’s important to consult a pediatrician before giving your baby soy-based formula, as it may not be suitable for all children.


An organic formula can best feed an infant when the mother cannot breastfeed the baby. Like the types, several brands are also available; an example is the Holle goat milk formula. So if you want to get these baby foods with an emphasis on organic formula, in that case, we are your sure plug at Babysbestfood.

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