What You Need to Know When Hospitalized for Depression
If you experience severe depression symptoms, think of harming others or yourself, or your treatment simply isn’t helping, checking yourself into one of the several mental health facilities in Kentucky might be something you want to seriously consider.
And while the thought of going to a hospital to seek medication can frighten you, if you are aware of what goes on in these institutions, you will find the experience much less intimidating. That is because in-patient care allows you to be monitored closely by a specialist psychiatrist in Louisville Kentucky.
Knowing When To Go to a Hospital
If you notice that you have symptoms that put you or other people at risk, you should consider checking yourself into a hospital. These symptoms include psychosis, mania, and suicidal urges.
Also, if you find that you are too ill to eat, sleep properly, or bathe, getting admitted into one of the top mental health facilities in Kentucky might be helpful. Additionally, your preferred psychiatrist in Louisville Kentucky might recommend in-patient care when you don’t seem to make significant improvements in treatment.
Hospitalization is recommended any time you require a safe place that enables you to receive intensive care till the time that your symptoms stabilize.
Before You’re Admitted
Since you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed right now, it may be necessary to ask a family member or friend to help you to check into a hospital and complete the paperwork.
Where possible, the person responsible for checking you into a mental health facility should call the institution in advance to familiarize themselves with the procedures and rules of the hospital. Also, this opportunity should be used to find out the items that should be brought. Also, information about telephone access and visiting hours will be vital.
Common Hospital Rules to Expect
Most mental health facilities in Kentucky and indeed anywhere else set rules that ensure the safety of patients and staff. And while these may differ from one hospital to another, the following are the most common ones:
You may be put in a locked room where you cannot leave as you like.
The hospital may lock away some items that you could use to potentially cause harm to you, like razors, shoelaces, and belts.
You may also need to follow a schedule of your treatments, meals, bedtime, and other activities.
Some hospitals will require that you share a room with another person.
When You’re Admitted
When you are checked into a hospital, the first thing that any psychiatrist in Louisville Kentucky will do is to evaluate you to determine the appropriate treatment plan that meets your needs.
The treatment plan will most likely involve working with various mental health professionals like psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, social workers, and nurses, to mention but a few.
There is a high likelihood that you will take part in group therapy, family therapy, or individual therapy during your time at the hospital. Additionally, you will also likely receive some psychiatric drugs.
Also, hospital staff will handle seeking approval for your hospitalization from your insurance carrier. Your provider will evaluate your progress periodically to determine if additional time is needed in the hospital.
If your insurance company denies you the request to seek hospitalization, you have the right to appeal.
Your Rights
The rules that govern voluntary hospitalization differ significantly from those surrounding involuntary hospitalization. Voluntary hospitalization is where you check yourself into a hospital while involuntary one is where someone else has checked you in regardless of whether you wanted it or not. If you get admitted voluntarily, you also can sign yourself out.
But if the hospital staff think you pose danger to others or you, they may refuse to sign you out. Where you aren’t a danger to anybody, you may be released within two-seven days of your request.
If you experience any difficulties with being discharged you are advised to contact the protection and advocacy agency of your state.
The following are rights that you may be entitled to while at the hospital:
You have the right to be informed about all treatments and tests you receive, plus the benefits and risks.
You can refuse any treatments or tests you think are unsafe or unnecessary.
You have the right to refuse to take part in training sessions or experimental treatments that involve observers or students.
The hospital cannot divulge the details of your hospitalization without your express permission. The only exception is your insurance provider.
After You’re Discharged
It is not uncommon for any psychiatrist in Louisville Kentucky to put you on a day-treatment program after being discharged. This program has many benefits that you got during your hospitalization, like psychotherapy and other services. However, you may go home during weekends and at night.
Continuing Your Recovery
For some conditions, like depression, the treatment does not stop with being discharged. The following are some of the steps to take to ensure your recovery continues.
Keeping up to date with all doctor appointments.
Ensuring that you take your medications according to the doctor’s prescription
Finding and enrolling in a support group.
Learning stress-reducing techniques.
Ensuring that you take proper care of yourself by exercising, eating well, and getting enough sleep.
Developing an Action Plan
As depression is a chronic condition, it is advisable to have an action plan in case you ever need to be admitted to mental health facilities in Kentucky. Your plan of action needs to include the following:
The name and contact information of your doctor.
You also need to have the contact info of close family members, trusted friends, or members of the support group.
Write a list of drugs that you can take as well as those you can’t.
The plan also needs to contain a list of allergies, if any.
Your insurance information should also be indicated.
Indicate also the name of the mental health facility you would like to be checked into or the psychiatrist in Louisville Kentucky that you prefer.